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姜 文锜

Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology

Fashionable Bags And Luggage Design

Bags, Accessories, Product Design

北京服装学院 / 服饰艺术与工程学院-箱包设计(本科) 专业排名:5 / 147 (大一学年) 主修课程:中西方艺术史、设计表达、设计思维与方法、色彩设计基础、图形创意基础、设计空间思维、设计程序与方法、产品工艺与创新思维、专业表达与沟通、3D建模与打印技术、服装模特表演技巧、用户与市场研究方法等。 于2021-2022年,担任21级207班 班长,负责班级管理工作,及时响应同学需求。班级多次获得校内比赛集体奖项,荣获多学期"无挂科班级"、校级"优秀团支部"、校级"活力团支部"称号。同时担任校团委组织部部员,在部内积极参与组织各类活动,多次担任活动策划,能与同学积极沟通、协作。荣获2022年优秀部员。 于2023年担任校团委组织部副部长,负责公众号内容、活动海报、相关视频拍摄和剪辑等宣传方向,经验丰富。多次参与各类活动的信息整理、对外宣传和沟通等事宜。 性格开朗,积极进取,乐于助人,学习能力较强。 荣誉奖项:于2021-2022年荣获服饰艺术与工程学院二等奖学金、服饰艺术与工程学院三好学生,参加北京市"石榴花开美京城——铸牢中华民族共同体意识"海报设计大赛作品展览,参与中铁集团宁夏固原扶贫文创项目。 于2023年荣获清华大学第六届3D打印大赛外观设计赛道 二等奖。 自入校以来获得校内奖项若干。 多次参加各类比赛、活动,对人对事认真负责,专业能力、社交能力较好,应变能力较强。 多次参与中国国际时装周等大型活动、赛事的后台后勤,在课余时间担任博物馆导览,团队合作意识强,能够积极配合他人组织协调完成合作。 I am Jiang Wenqi, currently studying Luggage Design at Beijing Institute of Fashion/College of Fashion Arts and Engineering (second year of undergraduate studies). Professional ranking: 5/147 (freshman year) Major courses: Chinese and Western art history, design expression, design thinking and methods, color design basis, graphic creativity basis, design space thinking, design procedures and methods, product technology and innovative thinking, professional expression and communication, 3D modeling and printing technology, fashion model performance skills, user and market research methods, etc. I served as the monitor of Class 207, Grade 21 from 2021 to 2022, responsible for class management and timely responding to classmates' needs. The class has won collective awards in campus competitions multiple times, and has been awarded the titles of "no failing class", "excellent youth league branch" at the school level, and "energetic youth league branch" at the school level for multiple semesters. At the same time, I served as a member of the Organization Department of the School Youth League Committee, actively participating in organizing various activities within the department, and serving as an event planner multiple times. I am able to actively communicate and collaborate with classmates. Received the title of Outstanding Department Member in 2022. In 2023, I served as the Deputy Director of the Organization Department of the Youth League Committee of the University, responsible for the content of the official account, activity posters, relevant video shooting and editing, and other publicity directions, with rich experience. Participated in various activities such as information organization, external promotion, and communication multiple times. Honorary Awards: Received the second prize scholarship from the School of Fashion Arts and Engineering and the third best student from the School of Fashion Arts and Engineering from 2021 to 2022. Participated in the poster design exhibition of the Beijing "Pomegranate Blossoms Beautiful Beijing - Strengthening the Awareness of the Chinese National Community" poster design competition, and participated in the Ningxia Guyuan Poverty Alleviation Cultural and Creative Project of China Railway Group. Won the second prize in the appearance design track of the 6th Tsinghua University 3D Printing Competition in 2023. Since joining the school, I have received several awards within the school. My personality is lively, proactive, helpful, and I have strong learning abilities. I have participated in various competitions and activities for many times, and I am serious and responsible for people and things. I have good professional ability, social skills, and adaptability. I have participated in multiple large-scale events and events such as China International Fashion Week as the backend logistics, and served as a museum guide in my spare time. I have a strong sense of teamwork and can actively cooperate with others to organize and coordinate cooperation.

心流-Flowing Heart

Category: Accessories

Competitions: China Mainland, International

设计说明: …………———模块化可更换配件包 作品希望通过人们更多的沟通、交流来缓解当代社会的压力为灵感,并且呼唤人们思考当代社会压力的形成和缓解的问题。 根据需求自由更换不同外挂配件,适应不同的环境场合。在增加实用性、趣味性的同时更实现一包多用,减少地球的环境负担,形成“可持续”的使用风格。包的提手及包体上均以管道的形式联通,使整个包体实现相互关联、彼此流通,寓意彼此交流减轻压力的主题。 主包使用麻质材料,增加质感,节省成本。提手及管路使用3D打印制作,在保证质感的同时,3D打印的加入节省制造资源,外挂配件用牛皮材质,增加耐磨性,提高使用时间,与麻质材料形成质感对比,将设计与科技巧妙结合。 整体使用配色“孟菲斯配色”疗愈色系,打破配色规律,用一些明快、风趣、彩度高、对比强烈的明亮色调。缓解负面情绪、焦虑和压力,帮助人们放松身心,从而增强身体的自我修复和恢复能力,达到减轻压力的效果。 Design Description:...... - Modular replaceable Accessory Package. The work aims to relieve the pressure of people under the contemporary society through more communication and exchange among people. It appeals for people to think about the formation and relief of contemporary social pressure. Changing different external accessories freely to adapt to different situations can not only improve practicability and fun, but also achieve multiple functions of one package, and ease the environmental burden of the Earth,forming a “sustsinable” usage style. The handle and body of the bag are connected in the form of pipes, enabling the entire bag to be interconnected and circulate with each other and symbolizing the theme of reducing pressure through mutual communication. The main package uses linen to increase texture and save costs. The handle and pipeline are made by 3D printing technique, which ensures texture while saving manufacturing resources with the use of 3D printing. The external accessories are made of cowhide material to increase wear resistance and improve usage time, forming a texture contrast with linen material which artfully combines design and technology.The overall use of the healing color scheme from "Memphis Color Scheme" breaks the rules of color matching and uses vibrant, witty, entertaining, high-chroma and strongly contrasting bright tones in order to relieve negative emotions, anxiety and stress, help people relax both physically and mentally, thereby enhancing the body's ability to self-healing and recover, and achieving the effect of reducing stress.

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