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Jin An Wu

Shih Chien University Kaohsiung Campus

Fashion Design and Merchan

Glothes, Apparel, Textiles- Knit

你好!我是來自台灣的學生。目前正在就讀實踐大學服飾設計與經營學系 Hello! I am a student from Taiwan. I am currently studying in Shih Chien University FDM

Sugar Rush

Category: Accessories

Competitions: Taiwan Region

時尚的分泌物,流淌的多巴胺。 每一顆糖果都是味覺和視覺的雙重盛宴,色彩的碰撞如音符的交響從外表到內在,一一剖析甜蜜的秘密。 多巴胺帶來短暫快樂,尋求激情,享受當下,及時行樂。 Fashionable secretions, flowing dopamine. Each candy is a double feast of taste and vision. The collision of colors is like the symphony of notes from the appearance to the inside, analyzing the sweet secrets one by one. Dopamine brings short-term happiness, seeking passion, enjoying the present, and having fun in time.

Aesthetics of violence

Category: Footwear

Competitions: International

以紅黑作為主要顏色 襯托出血腥黑暗面 用花、手部動作代表善與溝通 與血腥暴力的形成了強烈的視覺反差 With red and black as the main colors Set the dark side of blood Using flowers and hand movements to represent kindness and communication Create a strong visual contrast with blood and violence

Working with our partners at Arts Thread to develop lifelong learning and career opportunities for students of fashion and design. Our partnership provides the opportunity to compete on a world stage, participate in industry led workshops, set up an outstanding portfolio and gain access to the resources that will kickstart careers in fashion and design.