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桂萍 梅

Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology

Footwear & Accessory Design BFA

Handbags, Hats

Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology, major in luggage design


Category: Accessories

Competitions: China Mainland, International

整个主题想表达的是原生家庭在成长时给予的那些准确的痛苦,它们是成长的打磨者,就像针灸疗法里针对穴位的精准一样,是身体的打磨者,最后经络疏通,最后松手和解。 要相信生活就是像针灸,苦难就像一根根针扎在你身体最准确的位置,它会让你成长,让你挣扎,让你努力挥动双拳,最后坦然面对,那是赋予人们的最准确的激励。 对于我与母亲的关系,那些成长过程中的刺,一拳一拳的挣扎,一针一针的刺激,都是疏通、调和、和解的必经之路,而每一针都是最准的位置,最好的安排。 The whole theme wants to express the accurate pains that family of origin gave when he was growing up. They are the polishers of growth, just like the accuracy of acupuncture points in acupuncture therapy, and they are the polishers of the body. Finally, the meridians are dredged, and finally the reconciliation is released. Believe that life is like acupuncture. Suffering is like a needle stuck in the most accurate position of your body. It will make you grow, make you struggle, make you try to wave your fists and finally face it calmly. That is the most accurate incentive for people. As for my relationship with my mother, those thorns in the process of growing up, the struggle of punching and punching, and the stimulation of needles are the only way to dredge, reconcile and reconcile, and each needle is the most accurate position and the best arrangement.

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