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如灼 孙

Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology

Footwear & Accessory Design BFA

Apparel, Footwear, Accessories

我是一名北京服装学院箱包设计专业的大二学生,曾多次获得奖学金。我对箱包设计和皮革制品有着浓厚的兴趣和热情,同时也关注可持续性问题。在学习中,我不断努力提高自己的设计能力和手工制作技巧,积极探索新的材料和工艺,致力于设计出具有艺术性和实用性的箱包产品。我也关注行业发展趋势和消费者需求,善于将创意与商业需求相结合,设计出更加符合市场需求的产品。我熟练掌握Photoshop、Illustrator等设计软件,并具有良好的沟通和团队合作能力。我期待着将我的专业知识和技能应用于实践中,成为一名优秀的箱包设计师,为可持续箱包的发展做出贡献。 I am a second-year student majoring in luggage and bag design at the Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology. I have been awarded several scholarships for my academic performance. I am passionate about luggage and bag design, as well as interested in sustainability issues. In my studies, I continuously strive to improve my design skills and handcrafting techniques, actively explore new materials and processes, and focus on designing luggage and bags that are both artistic and practical. I also keep up with industry trends and consumer demands, and am adept at combining creativity with business needs to design products that meet market demands. I am proficient in design software such as Photoshop and Illustrator, and have excellent communication and teamwork skills. I am eager to apply my knowledge and skills in practice, become an outstanding luggage and bag designer, and make contributions to the development of sustainable luggage and bags.

四方幻境 Fantasy Realm

Category: Accessories

Competitions: China Mainland

如今,环保可持续越来越引起人们的重视。为打造一款经久耐用包包,满足人们对包包大小、容量、使用场景的不同需求,决定创造一种能够与现代生活完美契合的折叠包包。 这款折叠包包采用牛皮植鞣革制成,外观简约大方。此包通过折叠来将其实现。对于那些居住空间有限的人来说,此包可以平展储存,不会占据太多空间。 Nowadays, environmental sustainability is increasingly attracting people's attention. In order to create a durable bag that meets people's different needs for bag size, capacity, and usage scenarios, it has been decided to create a foldable bag that can perfectly fit modern life. This folding bag is made of cowhide and vegetable tanned leather, with a simple and elegant appearance. This package is implemented by folding. For those with limited living space, this bag can be stored flat without taking up too much space.

拥抱 HUG

Category: Design

Competitions: China Mainland, International

拥抱可以治愈孤独,减少压力、焦虑的情绪。作品以"拥抱"为设计灵感,不管包体如何缠绕,最终以双手结合在一起为终点,实现"缠绕拥抱"的寓意。希望通过趣味性、实用性、象征性来缓解人们所承受的负面情绪与压力。 整个设计作品围绕着"可持续"理念,采用模块化自由组合的方式,模块的不同缠绕方式组合成不同的包体,以适应不同环境的使用需求。以复古的波点、首饰、配色等元素来还原50年代那个纯真、曼妙的年代,实现能让人们慢下来,减小压力的愿望 3D打印与皮革棉麻材质相结合,3D的加入减少生产耗损,节省制造资源,将可持续贯彻进产品。 Embracing can heal loneliness and reduce stress and anxiety. The work takes "embrace" as the design inspiration, no matter how wrapped the body is, it ultimately ends with the combination of hands, realizing the meaning of "wrap embrace". I hope to alleviate the negative emotions and pressures people experience through fun, practicality, and symbolism. The entire design work revolves around the concept of "sustainability", adopting a modular and free combination method. Different winding methods of modules are combined into different packages to adapt to the usage needs of different environments. Restore the innocent and graceful era of the 1950s with retro polka dots, jewelry, color schemes, and other elements, realizing the desire to slow down and reduce stress for people The combination of 3D printing and leather, cotton, and hemp materials reduces production consumption and saves manufacturing resources with the addition of 3D, which will be sustainable in the product implementation.

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