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Yu Hsu

Shih Chien University

Costume Design BFA

Womenswear, Menswear, Embroidery

我是徐譽 目前就讀於實踐大學台北校區的服裝設計學系。 加入這個學系後,我學到了許多學科體制外的事物,逐漸發現從未發現的世界 在學校的日子中,我不僅獲得豐富的專業知識,也漸漸找出了自己的興趣和才能。 先前在我在一家補習班打工,處理行政相關工作與社群宣傳圖製作、榜單海報製作、文宣DM等等。 不斷嘗試新事物是我正在努力學習的,踏出舒適圈,才能提高自身的競爭力, 因此不斷加強各項能力是很重要的。從事任何行業,皆需培養專業的知識與技能,才能有效率與正確地完成任務 I'm Hsu Yu. I’m studying in the Fashion Design Department at Shih Chien University. Since I enrolled in this department, I have learned many things besides the discipline system that I had never known. Therefore, stepping out of my comfort zone and making my professional skills stronger is something new that I’m working on. To improve my competitiveness, continuously strengthening capabilities is really important. That’s how I complete tasks efficiently and correctly in any industry.


Category: Footwear

Competitions: Taiwan Region

穿高跟鞋是許多人為了追求時尚和優雅而採取的一種方式,它賦予了穿著者自信和魅力,但同時也可能帶來一些不適和健康問題,我們不得不考慮到美麗背後可能存在的代價。 Wearing high heels is a common way for many people to pursue fashion and elegance. It endows the wearer with confidence and charm, but it may also bring about some discomfort and health issues. We have to consider the potential cost behind the beauty.

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Category: Apparel

Competitions: Taiwan Region, International

假如牛和人類的立場對調,人類將成為獵物,牛人披上人皮以此接近人類伺機獵殺。 If the positions of cows and humans were reversed, humans would become prey and cow people would don human skin to approach humans and hunt them down.

Working with our partners at Arts Thread to develop lifelong learning and career opportunities for students of fashion and design. Our partnership provides the opportunity to compete on a world stage, participate in industry led workshops, set up an outstanding portfolio and gain access to the resources that will kickstart careers in fashion and design.