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子豪 郑

Donghua University

Fashion Product Development BFA

Footwear, Product Design, Sculpture

教育背景: 东华大学 大三在读 产品设计专业 技能: - 计算机技能:rhino、solid works、Dn、midjourney、stable deffusion 实习经历: - 上海市香绘艺术,助教,2021-2023 - 上海妤际服饰,客服,2023 自我评价: 有良好的团队协作能力、善于学习新知识


Category: Footwear

Competitions: China Mainland

“xun” 在中文里是寻找的意思,也是我的灵感来源 ”蟳埔"。“蟳埔”是福建沿海的一个村庄,人们以捕鱼为生,但蟳埔村的每个女人头上都戴着簪花,这是她们对美的追求。我的设计探寻可持续、编织和渔女文化之间的联系,用碎皮革的拼贴,废旧皮革条的回收编织来达到可持续与美的共存。‘xun’ in Chinese means to look for, and it's also my source of inspiration ‘xunpu’ (蟳埔).‘xunpu’ is a village on the coast of Fujian, where people make a living by fishing, but every woman in ‘xunpu’ wears a hairpin made of flowers on her head, which is their pursuit of beauty.My designs explore the links between sustainability, weaving and fisherwomen's culture, using collages of scraps of leather, recycled leather strips and weaving to achieve a sustainable and beautiful coexistence.

New Chinese style leather woven footwear——Green Literati

Category: Footwear

Competitions: China Mainland, International

"Green Literati"gets its name from the elegant name for bamboo in China.Exploring the spiritual symbols of the new Chinese style from bamboo elements, using a combination of bamboo weaving and leather, new Chinese style and modern elements, the intention is to present a different visual feast and wearing pleasure, allowing the public to feel the new footwear in a new era, while putting forward a strong desire for Chinese aesthetics and humanism.

Working with our partners at Arts Thread to develop lifelong learning and career opportunities for students of fashion and design. Our partnership provides the opportunity to compete on a world stage, participate in industry led workshops, set up an outstanding portfolio and gain access to the resources that will kickstart careers in fashion and design.