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柏安 苏

jiangxi Instiute of Fashion Technology

Costume Design BFA

Womenswear, Haute Couture, Denim

能力优势:偏好通勤,休闲风格服装,色彩美感能力强,时尚意识强,擅长站在消费者角度开展设计工作。在英语方面,具备良好的听说读写能力,可以快速浏览英语专业文件及书籍。 专业能力:具备较强的商品思维能力,擅长面料和辅材搭配,具有优秀的采买和谈判能力。 职业素养:做事专注,善于发现细节,语言表达丰富清晰,具有较强的沟通能力和解决问题的能力,团队意识强。 Ability advantage: prefer commuting, casual style clothing, strong color aesthetic ability, strong fashion awareness, good at designing from the perspective of consumers. In English, with good listening, speaking, reading and writing skills, can quickly browse English professional documents and books. Professional ability: Have a strong commodity thinking ability, good at fabric and auxiliary material matching, with excellent purchasing and negotiation ability. Professional quality: focus on work, good at finding details, rich and clear language expression, strong communication skills and problem-solving skills, strong team spirit.


Category: Apparel

Competitions: China Mainland

本系列服装设计的理念以未来感为切入点,以太空探索的角度来描绘未来世界。在漫长的人类发展史中,人类关心的问题莫过于自己的未来,科学家们也围绕未来这个问题在不断的探索。伴随着新媒体与科技的快速发展,人们对于科技生活的需求也越来越高,面对日益提高的科技水平,以及人类生活方式和状态的变迁,科技感服饰已经渐渐走进了大众的视野,以人类跨越现实与虚拟世界所产生的不可逆的新形态为出发点进行服装设计。希望通过所设计的作品,传递出虽然科技不断进步,生活以及精神质量在不断提高,但仍需珍惜当下,合理规划未来的观点。紫色代表着科技与品质的完美结合,紫色有着无穷无尽的神秘感和深度感,代表着的无限可能性和数字时代的连通。The concept of this series of clothing design takes the sense of the future as the starting point, and depicts the future world from the perspective of space exploration. In the long history of human development, human beings are concerned about their own future, and scientists are constantly exploring this issue around the future. With the rapid development of new media and technology, people's demand for scientific and technological life is also getting higher and higher. In the face of the increasing level of science and technology, as well as the changes of human life style and state, scientific and technological clothing has gradually entered the public's vision, and the irreversible new form generated by human crossing the real and virtual world is used as the starting point for clothing design. Through the design works, I hope to convey the idea that although science and technology continue to improve, life and spiritual quality continue to improve, we still need to cherish the present and reasonably plan for the future. Purple represents the perfect combination of technology and quality, purple has an endless sense of mystery and depth, representing infinite possibilities and connectivity in the digital age.

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