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Shih Chien University


Apparel, Accessories, Footwear

我叫陳彥農,來自馬來西亞。目前就讀於實踐大學服裝設計與經營學系三年級。流行易逝,風格永存, 想要絕無僅有,就必須保持與眾不同是我一直堅持的理念。 2014年畢業於馬來西亞一所技術學院的服裝設計系,之後投身工作成為一名設計助理,到後來到台灣繼續深造。這些年,累積了不少經驗,正處於人生中精力充沛時期。作為一名熱愛自己專業一直以來都以提高自身的專業綜合素質為目標不斷挑戰自我,為適應社會發展的需求而努力創新,發揮自我長處,挖掘自身潛力。我非常嚮往能在更廣闊的天地裡嶄露頭角,發光發熱闖出自己的一片天!最後,期望能在實踐的過程中得到鍛煉和進步,竭盡全能為自己的決定負責為自己的未來取得亮眼的成績對社會做出應有的貢獻! My name is Tan Yan Nong, from Malaysia. Currently a third-year student in the Fashion Design and Merchandising Department of Shih Chien University. Fashion is perishable, but style lasts forever. If want to be unique, you must be different. This is the philosophy I have always insisted on. In 2014, I graduated from the Fashion Design department of a technical college in Malaysia, and then devoted myself to work as a designer assistant, and then went to Taiwan for further studies. Over the years, I have accumulated a lot of experience, and I am in an energetic period of life. As a professional who loves my own career, I always challenged myself to improve my comprehensive professional quality, strives to innovate to meet the needs of fashion industry, develops my strengths, and taps my own potential. I am very yearning to stand out in a wider world, to shine brightly and break out of my own world! Finally, I hope that I can get exercise and progress in the process of practice and do my best to be responsible for my own decision, to achieve brilliant results for my future, and to make do contributions to society!

Working with our partners at Arts Thread to develop lifelong learning and career opportunities for students of fashion and design. Our partnership provides the opportunity to compete on a world stage, participate in industry led workshops, set up an outstanding portfolio and gain access to the resources that will kickstart careers in fashion and design.