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Tainan University of Technology

Fashion Design MFA

Editorial Beauty, Design, Apparel

我叫黃瑀婕,正在就讀台南應用科技大學由,於母親在我們小時候經常會陪我們畫畫,培養我們的美術氣息,因此,我平時也很喜歡畫畫,後來參加了布包服裝設計的社團,用自己選的布來完成作品,讓我有了設計的夢想,最終念了服裝設計相關科系。 My name is Yu-Jie Huang and I am currently studying at Tainan University of Technology. My mother used to accompany us to draw when we were young, cultivating our artistic interests. As a result, I enjoy painting in my free time. Later, I joined a club for bag and clothing design, using fabrics of my own choice to create works that ignited my passion for design. This ultimately led me to pursue a degree in fashion design.

Future Warrior

Category: Accessories

Competitions: Taiwan Region, International

未來戰士 設計靈感源自對未來科技的無限想象和機械工藝的深入探索。 將機械的堅固感和盔甲的防護感與運動鞋的靈活性融合,打造出獨具未來感的風格。 運用網布、皮革和鞋帶等多種材料,巧妙地將鞋帶與金屬鏈相結合,為設計帶來了豐富的層次感和質感。 透過雞眼釦、金屬鏈和鉚釘的運用,進一步彰顯了包包的機械美感,而黑白灰的色彩搭配更突顯了其冰冷且獨特的科技風格。 Future Warrior The design inspiration is derived from imagination about future technology and machinery. It blends the robustness of machinery and the protective feel of armor with the flexibility of athletic footwear, creating a futuristic style. Materials like mesh, leather, and shoelaces are used, with shoelaces intertwined with metal chains to inject layers and texture into the design. The use of eyelets, metal chains, and rivets enhances the bag's mechanical aesthetics, while the black, white, and grey color palette highlights its cool and distinctive technological style.

Working with our partners at Arts Thread to develop lifelong learning and career opportunities for students of fashion and design. Our partnership provides the opportunity to compete on a world stage, participate in industry led workshops, set up an outstanding portfolio and gain access to the resources that will kickstart careers in fashion and design.