kevin abwova
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Bags, Boots, Belts
In 2020, my dad and I started our own workshop, focusing on shoe repairs and school shoes. Due to COVID, we temporarily halted operations. With my father's 25+ years of experience in the industry, we decided to pivot towards making bags and boots, utilizing the tools and skills we already possessed. This marked the inception of Kisero as a brand. For the past four years, we have been crafting bags, shoes, boots, and other leather accessories, leveraging my dad's expertise and craftsmanship. Our creations are driven by a profound appreciation for leather as a material and the products that stem from our craftsmanship. One of our notable successes has been our feature in WAUZINE magazine's issue 5 and our selection by the British Council Fashion Incubator (Creative DNA). Additionally, we have had the privilege to produce private labels for both local and international brands over the years.