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Yixuan Ran

Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology

Footwear & Accessory Design BFA

Bags, Accessories, Hats

我叫冉艺璇,我是21级北服产品设计箱包设计本科学生。在其学习过程中学习了箱包、帽饰、配饰等相关设计,较熟练掌握ai、建模软件,并在学校取得较好成绩。作品多次参与学校及北京市的展览陈列,并获得一些比赛奖项。 My name is Ran Yixuan. I am a 21-year-old undergraduate student of product design and bag design of Beifu. In the process of study, I learned the design of luggage, hat ornaments, accessories and other related designs, and became proficient in ai and modeling software, and achieved good results in school. His works have participated in many exhibitions of the school and Beijing, and won some awards.

《今天,你也是彩色的》 Today,You Are Colorful

Category: Accessories

Competitions: China Mainland

《今天,你也是彩色的!》这一作品想表达当女性携带这款包袋时,她们不仅是在展示自己的时尚品味和个性魅力,更是在传递一种自我成长的态度。这款包袋不仅是一件实用的配饰,更是一种精神的象征,代表着女性从不确定到清晰的自我定位过程,以及她们对美好生活的追求和坚持。 该设计灵感来源于刺芹(一个花枝上有多个花朵,叶子有刺,花朵成针状,就像随时抵御危险)这个植物有抵御侵略,同时,也有严格,独立,忍耐寒冷,在艰难的环境下也能成长开花; 因为我认为这个年龄阶段的女生对于外界什么都不太了解,所以自我保护意识其实是比较强烈的,但其实内心深处是很柔软的,很明媚的。 带刺(表示女生的自我保护意识)但同时也会开出美丽的花(内心的柔软 灿烂) 是在完整的包体的表面会露出不规则的洞,从洞里探出来的刺的形态(表达的一种自我保护我感觉) 包袋“带刺”部分是采用原色植鞣革结合传统扎染技法,接而进行染色塑形,另一部分采用雾蜡皮,随着时间的迁移,表面的蜡质逐渐融入皮纤维内,形成一种独特的光泽和质感。就像女性的成长过程,从初出茅庐的迷茫与不确定,到逐渐明确自己的方向和目标,找到真正的自我。 这款包袋的设计,正是基于这样的理念。雾蜡皮表面的蜡拖路,不仅展现了皮质的自然美感和耐久性,更寓意着女性自我定位的历程。初时,女性可能对自己的未来充满疑惑,但随着时间的推移,她们会经历各种挑战和机遇,逐渐找到属于自己的位置和价值。 从环保的角度来看,雾蜡皮的使用也体现了对自然的尊重和保护。雾蜡处理是一种环保的皮革加工方式,它不需要大量的化学药剂,减少了对环境的污染。同时,雾蜡皮的使用寿命长,耐磨耐用,减少了资源的浪费和频繁更换产品的需求,进一步体现了环保理念。 Today, You Too Are Colorful! This work wants to express that when women carry this bag, they are not only showing their fashion taste and personality charm, but also passing on an attitude of self-growth. This bag is not only a practical accessory, but also a spiritual symbol, representing the process of women's self-positioning from uncertainty to clarity, as well as their pursuit and persistence of a better life. The design is inspired by prickly celery (a flower with multiple flowers on a branch, leaves with thorns, flowers into needles, as if to resist danger at any time). This plant is resistant to aggression, and at the same time, it is strict, independent, tolerant of cold, and can grow and bloom under difficult conditions; Because I think girls at this age do not know much about the outside world, so the sense of self-protection is actually relatively strong, but in fact, the heart is very soft, very bright. Prickly (indicating the self-protection consciousness of girls), but it also produces beautiful flowers (soft and brilliant heart). Irregular holes will be exposed on the surface of the complete inclusion, and the shape of thorns will be revealed from the holes (expressing a sense of self-protection). The "prickly" part of the bag is dyed and shaped by using primary color plant tanned leather combined with traditional tie-dyeing techniques. The other part uses fog wax leather, with the migration of time, the surface wax gradually into the skin fiber, forming a unique luster and texture. Just like the growth process of women, from the confusion and uncertainty of the beginning to gradually clear their own direction and goals, to find the real self. The design of this bag is based on this idea. The wax drag road on the surface of the fog wax skin not only shows the natural beauty and durability of the leather, but also symbolizes the course of women's self-positioning. In the beginning, women may be full of doubts about their future, but over time, they will experience various challenges and opportunities, and gradually find their own place and value. From the environmental corner.

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