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翔文 郑

Donghua University

Fashion Product Development BFA

Product Design, Footwear, Sustainable Design

东华大学本科,21级产品专业 第十一届上图杯3D打印鞋履设计——个人二等奖 2023真皮真自我中国赛区鞋品类——亚军 李宁(中国)鞋履设计实习——潮流户外部 Donghua University;grade 21 product design major The 11th Shanghai Graphics cup 3D printing shoe design - personal second prize 2023 "Real Leather Stay Different" China competition shoes category - runner-up Li Ning (China) Shoe design internship - Tidal outdoor sector

Rocky Line

Category: Footwear

Competitions: China Mainland

岩动线企划旨在将轻户外的运动气息代入日常生活。枯燥忙碌的城市生活需要一些带有自然感受的时尚设计给人们带来视觉放松与情绪价值。三款不同的鞋型也满足了不同场景的需求。 The Rock Motion Line project aims to bring the atmosphere of light outdoor sports into daily life. The boring and busy city life needs some fashion design with natural feeling to bring visual relaxation and emotional value to people. Three different shoe types also meet the needs of different scenes.


Category: Footwear

Competitions: China Mainland, International

章鱼足与山中的孔洞都具有圆这一具有美感的形态,鞋履的设计语言中也有所体现。烟灰绿和索马里棕的颜色在体现主题的同时也非常时尚百搭,环保材料的运用使用户在表达个性时能为环保做出一份贡献。 Since octopus feet and holes in the rock wall are round, the shoe was designed for the hole. Soot green and Somali brown were selected in the color scheme to ensure their compatibility while presenting high quality color texture. The stylish shape and relatively low saturation color scheme can meet the fashion needs of users while showing individuality.

Working with our partners at Arts Thread to develop lifelong learning and career opportunities for students of fashion and design. Our partnership provides the opportunity to compete on a world stage, participate in industry led workshops, set up an outstanding portfolio and gain access to the resources that will kickstart careers in fashion and design.