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Shih Chien University

Fashion Design BFA

Womenswear, Sustainable Design, Contemporary Craft

Hello! I am YU-SHAN CHIEN, from Taipei, Taiwan. I study fashion design BFA in university of SHIH CHIEN, a junior student currently. What I am excited about when designing is discovery, similar to REAL LEATHER: The creative idea of leather and itself as a crop by-product with creative development of the continuation of leather material is also based on the discovery. I hope to live what I have learned, while exploring myself and the world, through continuous discovery, active thinking, and production (the actual output), I propose more movements of thought, discover more possibilities, and keep myself excited. STAY EXCITED, STAY ACTIVED. STAY REAL, STAY DIFFERENT. 我是簡妤珊,台灣 台北人,現在就讀實踐大學服裝設計學系,目前大三。 設計與創作使我興奮的點在於發現,剛好與皮革大賽的願景不謀而合:皮革的創意發想與本身作為農作物副產品與創意發想的延續皮革素材的想法,也是基於發現。 我希望能運用所學,在探索自我與世界的同時,透過不斷的發現、活躍的思考、製作(實質的產出),提出更多思想運動,發覺更多可能性,讓自己保持興奮。 STAY EXCITED, STAY ACTIVED. STAY REAL, STAY DIFFERENT.


Category: Apparel

Competitions: Taiwan Region, International

Trace back the source of the discovery of leather material, it is sustainability. I am touched by the idea of reusing and promoting by-product of meat and dairy industry, which is also one of the vision of REAL LEATHER DESIGN COMPETITION. Real leather is a gift from nature. Thus, I decide to promote the idea of reusing the by-product of leather design, waste leather cloth. I take it as “ROUSING” leather itself, and in mandarin translation, I choose the meaning of “TRACE BACK TO THE ORIGIN” as the title, in other words, to step forward sustainability. Practically, by collecting recycled waste leather, shredding waste leather into long stripes, and through re-knitting leather stripes by my hand. The way of rebuilding the leather stripes together reach another kind of slow fashion style. On the pattern side, I design to visualize the silhouette of the leather skin which is originally detached from the animal, and utilize outside a human’s body. - 回溯皮革的運用發現緣由,可以說是永續發展的模式之一。 世界皮革大賽的其中一個願景便是循環使用畜牧產業的副產品——皮革,並推廣之,我深受此永續發展的理念所打動。 皮革可以說是大自然的贈禮。從副產品的概念去發想,皮革的副產物也包含了皮革本身,即剪裁後剩下的廢布。 因此,英文的表題選用“ROUSE”,「喚起」皮革的副產物——皮革本身也可以作為發想的來源。 製作方面,我將去搜集剩餘的零碼皮革,將皮革碎塊切成條狀,透過手工編織重新組織皮革。 服裝版型的發想則是想要直觀的視覺化當初每張皮革被取下後的形狀,透過編織的方式再組織成一張皮革的廓形。期望本此設計能夠推廣永續的再利用觀念與慢時尚的精神。

Working with our partners at Arts Thread to develop lifelong learning and career opportunities for students of fashion and design. Our partnership provides the opportunity to compete on a world stage, participate in industry led workshops, set up an outstanding portfolio and gain access to the resources that will kickstart careers in fashion and design.