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Chen-Cheng Hsu

Shih Chien University

Fashion Design BFA

Design, Belts, Costume Design -Stage Screen Dance

我叫徐成真,土生土長的台北人。目前是實踐大學服裝設計系大四在學生,最喜歡的科目是服裝設計,因為我覺得能夠把腦中的夢想變成真實很有趣。我也從媽媽那邊學習到關於皮革的技術,並且在課餘時間自行製作許多小型皮件。 My name is Chen-Cheng,Hsu. I was brought up in Taipei City. I study in Shih-Chien University, and my favorite subjects are Fashion Design, because that is interesting for me. I also learned the skills of leather from my mom, and made some leather craft during off-hour time.


紅蓮 Crimson Flame

Category: Design

Competitions: Taiwan Region

啓發自漫畫《炎拳》中,被火焰包覆、卻又不斷再生的主角,在一場火災中失去至親,擁有著熾熱的內心和活下去的毅力,克服對火焰的恐懼和對過去傷痛的掙扎,踏上了英雄的旅途。 與賽車手不斷挑戰自我、永不放棄的精神結合,沈醉於飆速快感的同時,也要承受速度所帶來的衝擊力量及毀壞,帶著這份勇者的覺悟,就像是從高速磨擦產生出的火焰中,找到了克服一切艱難的力量。 紅蓮在東亞文化中象徵著智慧、覺悟、幸福和勝利,代表人們對生活中困難的克服,以及尋找內心平靜和淨化的努力。火焰化作紅蓮,不僅代表著破壞和毀滅,還代表著希望與重生。 Inspired by the manga "Fire Punch" the protagonist, enveloped in flames yet constantly regenerating, endured the loss of loved ones in a fire. With a fervent heart and the resilience to keep going, he overcame his fear of flames and the struggles of his past, embarking on a heroic journey. Integrating the spirit of perpetual self-challenge and never giving up, akin to that of a racing driver, he indulged in the exhilarating rush of speed while enduring the impact and destruction brought forth by velocity. Armed with the enlightenment of a warrior, it was as if he found the strength to overcome all hardships from the flames generated by high-speed friction. In East Asian culture, the red lotus symbolizes wisdom, enlightenment, happiness, and victory, embodying humanity's efforts to overcome life's adversities and seek inner peace and purification. Flames transmute into red lotuses, signifying not only destruction and devastation, but also hope and rebirth.

紅蓮 Crimson Flame

Category: Design

Competitions: Taiwan Region

啓發自漫畫《炎拳》中,被火焰包覆、卻又不斷再生的主角,在一場火災中失去至親,擁有著熾熱的內心和活下去的毅力,克服對火焰的恐懼和對過去傷痛的掙扎,踏上了英雄的旅途。 與賽車手不斷挑戰自我、永不放棄的精神結合,沈醉於飆速快感的同時,也要承受速度所帶來的衝擊力量及毀壞,帶著這份勇者的覺悟,就像是從高速磨擦產生出的火焰中,找到了克服一切艱難的力量。 紅蓮在東亞文化中象徵著智慧、覺悟、幸福和勝利,代表人們對生活中困難的克服,以及尋找內心平靜和淨化的努力。火焰化作紅蓮,不僅代表著破壞和毀滅,還代表著希望與重生。 Inspired by the manga "Fire Punch" the protagonist, enveloped in flames yet constantly regenerating, endured the loss of loved ones in a fire. With a fervent heart and the resilience to keep going, he overcame his fear of flames and the struggles of his past, embarking on a heroic journey. Integrating the spirit of perpetual self-challenge and never giving up, akin to that of a racing driver, he indulged in the exhilarating rush of speed while enduring the impact and destruction brought forth by velocity. Armed with the enlightenment of a warrior, it was as if he found the strength to overcome all hardships from the flames generated by high-speed friction. In East Asian culture, the red lotus symbolizes wisdom, enlightenment, happiness, and victory, embodying humanity's efforts to overcome life's adversities and seek inner peace and purification. Flames transmute into red lotuses, signifying not only destruction and devastation, but also hope and rebirth.

Keenness pieces

Category: Design

Competitions: Taiwan Region, International

我將每一片支離破碎磨成了銳利的武器⋯ I sharpen every single piece of fragment into a sharp weapon...

Working with our partners at Arts Thread to develop lifelong learning and career opportunities for students of fashion and design. Our partnership provides the opportunity to compete on a world stage, participate in industry led workshops, set up an outstanding portfolio and gain access to the resources that will kickstart careers in fashion and design.