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Yiwen Liao

Tainan University of Technology

Footwear & Accessory Design BFA

Boots, Bags, Belts


蝶蕩起伏 Butterflies undulating

Category: Accessories

Competitions: Taiwan Region, International

The shape of the butterfly wings combined with the irregular curve of the splash is the outermost layer of the bag, making it visually feel like wrapping, which makes people feel like being protected, and also says to protect our natural ecology and the earth.The color uses common colors in nature, blue (sea, sky, water), green (trees, mountains, grass) and white to match, the outermost layer is put on the pattern of jasmine, although the design is simple but also contains the feeling that nature gives me is simple,the meaning of white jasmine has kindness, love, respect, purity, just like nature (animals, plants, ecological environment, earth) gives people a feeling, pure, simple, in the hope that human beings can protect our earth and the environment.

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