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Jin Li Zhang

Shih Chien University

Costume Design BFA

Bags, Apparel, Accessories

目前就讀實踐大學高雄校區服飾設計經營學系,在這幾年內參與了許多比賽和志工等,我是一位較隨和、認真、負責且富有想像力的人,對設計等較有興趣。 2020年榮獲全國高級中等學校家政群專題及創意製作競賽-佳作 2020年參加金士頓中衛亞太區口罩設計大賽初賽 2020年參加台灣國際海報新星獎 2021年參加台灣國際學生創意大賽初賽 2022年參加第三屆世界皮革創意設計大賽初賽 2022參加第21界手提包創新設計大賽初賽 2022參加高雄時尚大賞初賽

envelop 銀花壟罩

Category: Accessories

Competitions: Taiwan Region, International

「東風夜放花千樹,更吹落,星如雨。」從古至今關於燈籠優美的詩句很多,也說明著燈籠從以前流傳到現在,而現今世代進而引伸出許多關於燈籠的象徵意義。亞洲燈籠也有許多不同的意義:比如說掛燈籠有求財富的含義;廟裡掛燈籠點亮它,代表祈求光明、平安順利之義,更寓意著幸福、團圓、活力、圓滿,亦象徵點亮智慧的心燈。 此款包款就是以傳統燈籠及中國風雲紋作為設計發想,藉由此包款的銀花籠罩設計,傳達美好的寓意會籠罩在我們身旁,恰似銀花繚繞,璀璨而閃耀,進而驅散負向情緒,不被負面想法所感染。此包款設計了不單只有一種的使用方式,擁有美好寓意的同時也進而達到永續的效果。 There are many beautiful poems about lanterns from ancient times to the present, which also shows that lanterns have been passed down from the past to the present. In the present generation, there are many symbolic meanings about lanterns. Asian lanterns also have many different meanings: For example, hanging lanterns has the meaning of praying for wealth; hanging lanterns in temples to light them up represents the meaning of praying for light, peace and prosperity, and also implies happiness, reunion, vitality, and consummation, and also symbolizes lighting up the heart lamp of wisdom. This bag is designed based on traditional lanterns and Chinese wind and cloud patterns. With the design of this bag, conveying a beautiful meaning will hang around us, bright and shining, and then dispel negative emotions, not to be infected by negative thoughts. This bag is designed not only in one way of use, but also has a beautiful meaning and at the same time achieves a sustainable effect.

Working with our partners at Arts Thread to develop lifelong learning and career opportunities for students of fashion and design. Our partnership provides the opportunity to compete on a world stage, participate in industry led workshops, set up an outstanding portfolio and gain access to the resources that will kickstart careers in fashion and design.