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Costume Design BFA

Apparel, Menswear, Womenswear

2019/03/20 ivogue服裝創作設計競賽 高中組舊衣創意改造競賽 殿軍 2019/03/20 ivogue服裝創作設計競賽 高中組服裝設計競賽 亞軍 2019/03/22 ivogue 黎明國際盃國際青少年組 芭比造型設計D組 佳作 2019/09/26 新北市108學年度家政、藝術、設計群學生技藝競賽 服裝設計競賽 佳作 2021/05/05 樹德科大 新潮獎 新銳時尚設計競賽 入圍 2022/05/28 樹德科大 新潮獎 新銳時尚設計競賽 亞軍 2022/09/12 布可思議客家禮服設計賞 入圍 2023/08/24 台北好時尚 學生組 入圍 2023/09/14 毛衣開發設計競賽 入圍 2023/12/08 樹德科大 流設系畢業製作 第三名


Category: Apparel

Competitions: Taiwan Region

靈感來自莫比烏斯的軌跡講述兩面融合的道理,在社會上有許多人比起共通點,更關注別人與自己的相異之處,在溝通上換位思考重新編排,放下偏見,人人都有平等的權利為本品牌的核心理念達到共識,不再劃分之間的差異性,同時也隱藏著將包容與尊重的行動無限的放大在社會中,而套入刻板印象與歧視的印象讓他人難以翻身,放下識別他人的目光,不論種族、身分、性別回歸本我的價值裡都是獨一無二。 Inspired by the trajectory of Mobius to tell the truth of the integration of the two sides, there are many people in the society who pay more attention to the differences between others and themselves than the common point, empathy and rearrangement in communication, let go of prejudice, everyone has equal rights to reach a consensus for the core concept of the brand, no longer divide the differences, but also hide the infinite amplification of inclusive and respectful actions in the society, and set into the stereotype and discrimination of the impression makes it difficult for others to turn over, let go of the eyes of identifying others, regardless of race, identity, Gender returns to its own value, and it is all unique.

Working with our partners at Arts Thread to develop lifelong learning and career opportunities for students of fashion and design. Our partnership provides the opportunity to compete on a world stage, participate in industry led workshops, set up an outstanding portfolio and gain access to the resources that will kickstart careers in fashion and design.