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雨芯 邢

Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology

Footwear & Accessory Design BFA

Handbags, Bags, Accessories

A sophomore student at Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology, he loves to use interesting things he finds in life as inspiration for design.

檐 eaves

Category: Accessories

Competitions: China Mainland

设计灵感:通过将故宫屋顶抽象分解为几何形之后,进行变形,保留翘脚这一显著特征进行设计并使用牛皮制作出具有故宫风格的包。 故宫给人庄重,具有威严的感觉,我运用了中国传统五色中的黑色作为主色调,黑色深沉、浓重、神秘,在传统文化中黑色有严厉正大的涵义,符合我对故宫的印象。 Design inspiration: By abstractly breaking down the roof of the Forbidden City into geometric shapes, deforming them, the distinctive features of the warped feet were retained, and the bag with the style of the Forbidden City was made of cowhide. The Forbidden City gives people a sense of solemnity and majesty, and I use black in the traditional Chinese five colors as the main color, black is deep, heavy, and mysterious, and black has a stern and righteous meaning in traditional culture, which is consistent with my impression of the Forbidden City.

亲密关系 Intimacies

Category: Accessories

Competitions: China Mainland, International

设计说明:人是需要社交的动物,亲密关系经常出现在我们的生活之中,这种关系可以是亲人,朋友,恋人。正如这个包所展示的,我们也会分离又相聚,每次分开都会更加充实自己,每次分离都是为了更好的相聚,每次见面也还是会向对方展示自己最柔软的一面。 设计说明:人是需要社交的动物,亲密关系经常发生在我们的生活中。这些关系可以是家人、朋友或恋人。正如这个袋子所显示的,我们也分开和聚集,每一次分离,我们更加丰富自己。每次分开,我们注定要更好的相处,每次见面,我们还是互相展现出自己最柔软的一面。 Design instructions:People are animals that need to socialize, and intimate relationships often occur in our lives. These relationships can be family, friends, or lovers. As this bag shows, we also separate and gather, each time we separate, we enrich ourselves even more. Every time we separate, we are meant to get together better, and every time we meet, we still show each other our softest side.

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