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Almog Avraham

Shenkar College of Engineering, Design and Art

Fashion Design BFA

Apparel, Womenswear, Haute Couture

Name: Almog Avraham Age: 29 years old. Fashion Designer student (3rd year) at Shenkar college of Engineering. Specialize in fabrics and materials, vibrant styles and hand made fashion structures.

Deceptive beauty

Category: Apparel

Competitions: International

My inspiration for the model I designed from leather is deceptive beauty with contexst to carnivorous flowers. Deceptive beauty is an expression that refers to the reality where the beautiful exterior hides the offensive truth. Carnivorous flowers which exist in nature in a variety different forms looks spectacular from the outside but disguise to trap insects and reptiles. These flowers belong to the family of autotrophic plants, which are able to capture and digest insects or reptiles in defferent ways by their capture systems. It is customary to divide the capture mechanisms into four main types: Glue traps, drop traps, snap traps and sucker traps. Most of the time, these flowers grow in soils where the availability of the minerals necessary of their existence is low, such as acidic soils, swamps or particularly rainy areas where there is constant leaching of minerals from the soil. The nutrients obtained from animal digestion complement the supply of minerals from the soil. The carnivorous flowers are characterized by unique features: Insect attraction mechanisms, which include the use of colors, glitter or scents - Digestive glands that secrete digestive juices. - A trap with mechanisms for capturing the prey and preventing its escape. In the model I designed I combined sheep Leather and cow Leather. I created a disturted gradual print of carnivorous flower In the outer layer, on the top of it I embroidered in dispersed to obtain an additional element of three dimensionality. I choose to design a mini dress that combain elemeants and shaps from the carnivorous flowers. And I tried to express this in the rotation of the skin that appears in the front and back of the model, which creates an element of suffocation, the skirt that rises on one side and you can see the underwear underneath, and the underneath, and the part of the shoulder strap that can fall on the shoulder and rise up towars the back side. Itn the model I designed, it was important to me to onvey the sense of illusion from the beauty of the flowers that supposedly look spectacular from he outside but in their beauty they attract insects and reptiles and are able to devour them can attract our eye but sometimes can be dangerous. In the drawing collection I designed, I tried to show the models in a soft and caressing way, but in combination with elements that suggest a trap and danger. In addition for the collection I chose a number of carnivorous flowers which I liked and from them I created a distorted print that suggests a mirage of beauty. I chose to design my collection for women from the connection of a seductive woman as a carnivorous flower.

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