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Yang Gao

Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology

Footwear & Accessory Design BFA

Bags, Handbags, Jewellery

北京服装学院,产品设计箱包方向本科在读生。 Undergraduate student in the field of product design luggage at Beijing Institute of Fashion.

锔JU bag design

Category: Accessories

Competitions: China Mainland, International

锔瓷工艺是中国古代先民对物品的循环利用,亦是对资源异常珍视的体现。将锔瓷技法与包袋设计相结合,通过锔这一工艺实现材质拼接,同时选用有一定硬度的皮革与锔钉结合,在保留锔艺特色的同时,引入适合包袋制作的材料,对锔这一传统工艺进行新的演绎。让更多人了解到这项传统工艺,实现工艺、文化的可持续发展。 The craft of curium porcelain is the recycling and utilization of artifacts by ancient Chinese ancestors, and it is also a manifestation of their exceptional value for resources. By combining the technique of curium porcelain with bag design, material splicing is achieved through the process of curium. At the same time, leather with a certain hardness is selected to combine with curium nails. While retaining the unique features of curium art, materials suitable for bag making are introduced, providing a new interpretation of the traditional craft of curium. Let more people understand this traditional craft and achieve sustainable development of craftsmanship and culture.

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