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Shih Chien University

Fashion Design BFA

Bags, Glothes, Womenswear

Hello my name is Bui Thi Hoai Thu I come from Vietnam. I am currently studying and living in Taiwan. I was born and raised in Vietnam. At the age of 22, I started to study in Taiwan. When I first came to Taiwan, I studied Chinese language at Tamkang University for 2 years. The next year I enrolled in university. I studied fashion design and business at shichien university in Kaohsiung. I studied here for 1 year. I went to university in my 2nd year to transfer to northern branch university, which is the school I'm studying only fashion design at shichien university 1. and I've been studying for almost 4 years now. I graduate in July this year. And I still want to stay in school for a master's degree. 大家好,我叫 裴氏懷秋,我來自越南。 我目前在台灣學習和生活。 我在越南出生和長大。 22歲開始到台灣留學。 剛來台灣的時候,我在淡江大學讀了兩年中文。 讀完兩年中文之後我就考上大學。 我考的大學是實踐大學在高雄。 我在這裡學習了一年我讀的科系是服裝設計與經營學系。 到大二我我就考轉學到實踐大學臺北校區,這邊我讀的科系是服裝設計學校。我已經讀了快4年。 我今年七月就要畢業。 大學畢業後我還想留在台灣繼續讀上碩士。我選讀的學校一樣是實踐大學。


Category: Accessories

Competitions: Taiwan Region, International

My design inspiration is the past, present, and future. As time passes, everything changes from life, environment, economy, people. we have inadvertently left behind or forgotten too many valuable things of the past. When we talk about development, we immediately think of communication networks. come with modern wireless mobile phones and convenient.back to the past.if todays mobile phone is a way to communicate between people, then in the past we also have. There were phones for communication. But not cell phones. They were post-dial phones. The desk phone at that time was more valuable than ever. So people were very careful about saving up. it. like a mobile phone, it s compact, beautiful, and convenient.So through this, I want to take the value of the past and collaborate with the modern and convenient of the future to create a modern and convenient bag of value. 我的設計靈感來自過去現在和未來。 隨時間的推移,生活、環境、經濟、人,一切都在改變。 我們在不經意間留下或忘記了太多過去有價值的東西。 當我們談論發展時,我們會立即想到通信網絡。 現代無線手機來了,方便。回到過去。如果今天的手機是人與人之間交流的一種方式,那麼過去我們也有。 有電話可以通訊。 但不是手機。 它們是後撥號電話。 當時的座機比以往任何時候都更有價值。 所以人們在儲蓄方面非常小心。 它。 就像手機一樣,價值、美觀、方便。 所以通過這個,我想把過去的價值與未來的現代和便利來發表,創造一個現代和方便的有價值的包。

Working with our partners at Arts Thread to develop lifelong learning and career opportunities for students of fashion and design. Our partnership provides the opportunity to compete on a world stage, participate in industry led workshops, set up an outstanding portfolio and gain access to the resources that will kickstart careers in fashion and design.