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佳璇 李

Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology


Accessories, Bags

就读于北京服装学院 2021级产品设计专业,擅长箱包设计和图案设计,具有良好的审美创意和沟通能力。Majored in product design of Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology, Grade 2021, good at luggage design and pattern design, with good aesthetic creativity and communication skills.

记忆的永恒一模块化可更换内胆3d打印包 Memory of Eternity - Modular Replaceable Liner 3d Printing Pack

Category: Accessories

Competitions: China Mainland, International

设计说明 design statement 作品以钟乳石记录的时间为灵感,整个设计作品围绕着”可持续"理念,采用里外模块自由组合的方式,框架、内胆有不同的造型,在框架与内胆自由组合的基础上,做到可持续性利用。使整个系列的包具有通用性,互换性,相对独立的特点。包外框架采用3d打印技术结合麻质材料编织而成,保证质感的同时,3D打印的加入节省制造资源,内胆用牛皮材质,将设计与科技巧妙结合。 应用24节气中国传统色,黄丹、红绯、远山黛、龍蓝、齐紫为主基调。从秋日的"黄丹"里发现吉庆的橙~从雨过"龍蓝”处采得清雅的蓝~从清晨天光中寻得"东方既白!以舞为语,以曲为韵,共同交织绘就满庭芳华。 Inspired by the time recorded by stalactites, the whole design work revolves around the concept of "sustainability" and adopts the way of free combination of inner and outer modules. The frame and inner liner have different shapes. On the basis of free combination of frame and inner liner, sustainable utilization can be achieved. The whole series of packages have the characteristics of universality, interchangeability and relative independence. The outer frame of the bag is woven with 3d printing technology combined with hemp material. While ensuring the texture, the addition of 3D printing saves manufacturing resources. The inner liner is made of cowhide material, which cleverly combines design and technology. The use of 24 solar terms of traditional Chinese colors, yellow Dan, red Fei, Yuanshan Dai, indigo, Qi purple as the main keynote. Find the orange of auspicious Qing in the "yellow Dan" in autumn ~ find the elegant blue in the "indigo" in the rain ~ find the "East is white" in the morning light. To dance for language, to song for rhyme, weaving together painting full court Fanghua.

Working with our partners at Arts Thread to develop lifelong learning and career opportunities for students of fashion and design. Our partnership provides the opportunity to compete on a world stage, participate in industry led workshops, set up an outstanding portfolio and gain access to the resources that will kickstart careers in fashion and design.