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家辉 刘

Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology

Footwear & Accessory Design BFA

Bags, Handbags, Accessories

My name is Liu Jiahui, from Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology, bag and suitcase design major. I am 20 years old and in my third year of college. My main research interests are on package structure and process innovation and sustainable design. I deeply love the industry of bag design. I love the production of handmade leather bags and accessories. I think leather material is a fabric with soul and temperature. Natural leather beauty is my favorite aesthetic style. I love the combination of natural leather beauty and modern exquisite craftsmanship. I hope my design can satisfy all judges. It is my honor to participate in this competition.

鹊与情丝 Magpies and love

Category: Accessories

Competitions: China Mainland, International

我这次的主题是对于婚礼用品的可持续设计,但根据调研婚礼每次造成的浪费都是巨大的,基本上婚礼上的用品都是昂贵、浪费的一次性用品,于是我由此为切入点,展开了这一设计。 我结合中国的传统文化,让这一系列包更适合中国市场,更适合中式婚礼的需求。 我的两件作品表现了我认为可行的两条设计路径,一是赋予包袋更多的使用价值,我选择通过结构,包袋可以通过结构内外翻转,改变其颜色,延长其使用寿命。二是赋予产品情感寄托的方法,让产品不仅仅是一个冷冰冰的物件,而是富含纪念意义的、有情感价值的爱情的见证,从而去延续产品的生命周期, 从单一的产品设计转变为带有服务性质的产品设计,让其成为婚礼仪式中的一部分,就如同钻戒在婚礼中的意义一样,在今后的生活中,成为新的一种代表爱的结晶。 My theme this time is the sustainable design of wedding supplies, but according to the research, the waste caused by each wedding is huge, basically the wedding supplies are expensive and wasteful disposable items, so I used this as the starting point to start this design. I combined Chinese traditional culture to make this series of bags more suitable for the Chinese market and more suitable for the needs of Chinese weddings. Two of my works represent two design paths that I think are feasible, one is to give the bag more use value, I chose to use the structure, the bag can be flipped inside and outside the structure, changing its color and extending its lifespan. The second is to give the product an emotional sustenance method, so that the product is not just a cold object, but a witness of love rich in commemorative and emotional value, so as to continue the life cycle of the product, from a single product design to a product design with a service nature, so that it becomes a part of the wedding ceremony, just like the meaning of the diamond ring in the wedding, in the future life, become a new crystallization of love.

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