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User CHIA-CHUAN profile image


Shih Chien University

Fashion Design BFA

Womenswear, Bags, Menswear

我目前就讀於實踐大學4年級 想藉由這次的比賽去嘗試皮革的運用 將主題延伸到袋包的呈現 去挑戰更多袋包的創意面與可能性 I am now a senior student at Shih Chien University. I would like to join this competition as an opportunity to explore the application of leather. I would like to try to extend the theme on the design and also challenge more creative possibilities and potentials in the field of bag design.


Category: Accessories

Competitions: Taiwan Region, International

一開始是想以直觀一點的方式去表現 “從眾”這個主題, 而在我的Storyboard裡面有很大的部分是以人/人的臉部組成, 因此決定以人的臉部作為主體, 以連續與一致性的設計去呈現從眾的集體感, 以及立體的形式去營造從眾的安全感、封閉感, 最後以一個“從自我個體趨於大眾環境的過程”做為作品的呈現。 I want to express the theme of "conformity" in a more intuitive way. In my storyboard, a large part of it consists of people and human faces as the elements. So, I decided to use human faces as the main design. Trying to use a continuous and consistent design to express the collective feeling of conformity, and use three-dimensional forms to create a sense of safety and closure in conformity. Presenting “the process of transitioning from the individual self to others or the societal environment” as a final work.

Working with our partners at Arts Thread to develop lifelong learning and career opportunities for students of fashion and design. Our partnership provides the opportunity to compete on a world stage, participate in industry led workshops, set up an outstanding portfolio and gain access to the resources that will kickstart careers in fashion and design.