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Wei-Shan Hung

Shih Chien University

Costume Design BFA

Design, Belts, Bags

我是洪葦珊,目前就讀實踐大學服裝設計系大二。 在我空閒的時候,我喜歡畫畫和在素描本塗鴉。另外,我也喜歡攝影,我非常享受成功捕捉到美麗風景的瞬間,讓人覺得非常值得。 平常我也喜歡手作東西像是玩偶、串珠飾品、美甲等等。 雖然在就讀實踐前我沒有任何設計相關的背景,但我期許自己能在這四年好好學習如何運用自身的美感和製作能力。 Hi,I am Wei-Shan Hong .I am now majored in fashion design in Shih Chien University,and I am a second grader. In my free time,I love to draw and doodle on my sketchbook.And my another hobby is photography. I like to take photos of scenery because I love the feeling that I successfully catch those breathtaking moment ,which feels really worth it.I also like make hand-made things like stuffed animals,beads accessories and nail painting. Although I didn’t have design background before I study in Shih Chien,I think I can learn how to make flexible use of my aesthetic feeling and capabilities in these four years.


Category: Design

Competitions: Taiwan Region, International

在軍權下都會被上位者監視,融合娛虐、戲謔的感覺,表示上位者本身在施行罰則時可能也會感到快樂、高人一等的感覺,故使用虐待與受虐關係中的施虐者的意向來表示高位者。 Monitor, jockingly control you with pleasure in high positions. Under the military power, they will be monitored by the superiors. It combines the feeling of entertainment and joking, which means that the superiors themselves may feel happy and superior when imposing punishments. Therefore, the intention of SM is used to represent the superiors.

Working with our partners at Arts Thread to develop lifelong learning and career opportunities for students of fashion and design. Our partnership provides the opportunity to compete on a world stage, participate in industry led workshops, set up an outstanding portfolio and gain access to the resources that will kickstart careers in fashion and design.