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may azarya

Shenkar College of Engineering, Design and Art

Fashion Design BFA

Costume Design -Stage Screen Dance, Haute Couture, Apparel

My name is May Azarya, I am 23 years old, I live in Israel, I am studying fashion design at Shankar college and I am in the third year of my degree.


Category: Design

Competitions: International

My research begins with the anthrax attack that occurred in 2001, the year I was born. This is an attack in which envelopes arrived in the mail containing a bacterium called anthrax, it is a bacterium of a rare strain that damages the respiratory system of the person who comes into contact with it and kills him. My research went through the topics of bacteria, the world of mail then and now, protective suits with which all the buildings where the virus is found and the world of packaging and mail deliveries - types of packaging, layouts, wrappers and parcels. My clothing set includes a jacket, pants, tank top and bag. The jacket is made entirely of one sheet, without seams. The entire jacket is connected with fasteners taken from the world of packaging. The jacket includes all the parts of a regular tailored jacket such as: collar, pockets, cuffs and button. The jacket disassembles and opens into one surface, this is a layout of a jacket like the layouts of packages before connecting them. The jacket has "instructions" for connection, assembly and disassembly. The clothing system is also joined by a bag made with the same technique, the bag is disassembled and connected entirely with fasteners, without seams, Noa opens into a sort of "picnic blanket" and connects back to the natural wooden skeleton that holds it in the middle. On the bag there are instructions for connection, disassembly and assembly, instructions for use and explanations of the layout. The bag is made entirely of natural leather on which I stamped and engraved the "bubble wrap" texture that wraps the shipments and packages and protects them. All this comes from the world of shipping, wrapping and packaging.

Working with our partners at Arts Thread to develop lifelong learning and career opportunities for students of fashion and design. Our partnership provides the opportunity to compete on a world stage, participate in industry led workshops, set up an outstanding portfolio and gain access to the resources that will kickstart careers in fashion and design.