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韦 秋明

Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology

Footwear & Accessory Design BFA

Bags, Footwear, Product Design

我是北京时装学院的本科生。现在我在时装艺术与工程学院学习,主修箱包设计。I am an undergraduate student at Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology. Now I'm studying at the School of Fashion Arts and Engineering, majoring in luggage design. I am outgoing, enthusiastic and have boundless curiosity about the world.



Category: Accessories

Competitions: China Mainland

作品的设计灵感源于北京恭王府中的妙香亭建筑,该建筑结构分为双层,上层名为妙香亭,下层名为妙若庵,属于木结构平顶式方亭。 包体的造型经过对该建筑的深入结构剖析,造型转化提炼而成,其中上下部分的造型结构与建筑皆相呼应。色彩搭配选用偏向现代极简主义的干净色系,给人以呈现第一眼简洁大方的印象,实则细看却能慢慢发现其中复杂的结构奥妙。且该系列为“套层式结构”,可以由大至小组合为一个整体,正如妙香亭般的套层方式,看似整洁实则充满趣味在其中。 作品的设计灵感来自北京太子宫中的妙相阁,分为两层,上层称为妙相阁,下层称为妙若阁,是木制平顶方亭。 包体的形状经过对建筑的深入结构分析,经过改造和完善,上下各部分的造型结构与建筑相呼应。调色板是一种干净的调色板,倾向于现代极简主义,乍一看给人一种简约优雅的印象,但实际上,仔细观察会发现复杂的结构。而该系列是“分层结构”,可以由大到小组合成一个整体,就像妙湘台的嵌套方式一样,看似整齐,实则充满乐趣。

Green Bamboo

Category: Footwear

Competitions: China Mainland, International

The design inspiration of Green Bamboo comes from the ancient Song Dynasty villages in Yongjia County, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province. Yongjia has a profound historical and cultural heritage, It is the historical root and cultural source of Wenzhou. The design of Bamboo is based on the transformation and extraction of the shape and materials of Yongjia ancient architecture, which continues to the present day in the Song Dynasty. Bamboo, as one of the "four gentlemen" in Chinese traditional culture, symbolizes high moral integrity and standing above the sky, which plays a pivotal role in the Song Yun culture. It is also a kind of environmental protection sustainable renewable material, taken from nature, with its own temperament. The color matching of the work is extracted from the famous paintings of the Song Dynasty in the "Song Yun Culture". The name of the shoe combines the classic colors of the Song Yun with the bamboo culture, interprets and expresses the traditional aesthetics between the Song Yun and bamboo, and aims to inherit, innovate and promote the Song rhyme as the ultimate goal of the product.

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