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Shih Chien University Kaohsiung Campus



My name is YUN-JEN CHANG, I am studying at the Kaohsiung Campus of Shih Chien University in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Major in accessory design and footwear design. I have been very interested in design since I was a child. After graduating from high school, I decided to enter the design field. I usually like to create sketches like painting bags, and occasionally implement them and make them. There are various styles, but most of them are childlike, and the same goes for footwear. 我的名字是張芸禎,就讀實踐大學高雄校區在台灣高雄。主修配件設計還有鞋類設計。 自幼便對設計很有興趣,普通高中畢業後決定跨入設計領域,平時喜歡畫包類創作草圖,偶爾會實行並且製作出來。風格多樣,但都以童趣感居多,鞋類發想同樣也是。


Category: Accessories

Competitions: Taiwan Region

My creative concept is about the air pollution and other disasters, the impact on the human body and practical problems. I use some more childlike lines to draw line drawings, and use flowers to decorate the capillaries of the lungs. Life is beautiful , and we should protect the environment. It is also very important so that we can continue to pass on the good things to the next generation. 我的創作理念是有關於空氣污染等等的災害,對於人體的影響與現實問題 我利用一些較為童趣的線條去描繪線稿,並用花去裝飾肺的微血管,活著是美好的事,保護環境也很重要,這樣才能將美好繼續傳給下一代。

Zhuang Zhou's dream of butterfly

Category: Footwear

Competitions: Taiwan Region, International

My inspiration comes from the thought of Zhuangzi . The wisdom beyond the world and the freedom of the soul. “Zhuang Zhou dreamed he was a butterfly”and "Soaring Up", the use of materials combines plush fabrics to create a light and free effect, not sticking to the form, and roaming freely in the world. 我的靈感來自莊子思想。 超越世俗的智慧,心靈的自由。 《莊周夢蝶》和《扶搖直上》,在材質的運用上結合了毛絨面料,營造出輕盈自由的效果,不拘泥於形式,自由遨遊於天地間。

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