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Yu Pei Lin

Shih Chien University

Costume Design BFA

Apparel, Bags, Jewellery

您好,我是 實踐 大學服飾與經營學系三年級的林羽珮,對於平面設計領域和服裝設計的種種擁有極大的熱情,接觸服裝設計是因為想在未來成立自己的品牌,所以現在正在大學積極培養實現夢想的能力,目前大學雖然專注於服裝設計的領域,但在期間也有積極的提升平面設計領域的能力,像是積極參與校內比賽和在系學會中擔任美宣要職等等,過程中也跟著執導老師學習到了許多,對於平面設計起先是因為興趣使然接觸,但之後迷上了完成時和看到觀賞者對作品產生共鳴的成就感後,就一直堅持到了現在。 Hello, I am Lin Yupei, a third-year student in the Department of Apparel and Business Administration of Shishi University. I have great enthusiasm for the field of graphic design and fashion design. I came into fashion design because I want to establish my own brand in the future, so I am currently studying at university. Actively cultivate the ability to realize dreams. Although the university is currently focusing on the field of fashion design, it also actively improves the ability in the field of graphic design during the period, such as actively participating in intramural competitions and serving as important positions in beauty promotion in departmental societies. I also learned a lot from the directing teacher. At first, I came into contact with graphic design because of my interest, but after I became fascinated by the completion and the sense of accomplishment of seeing the audience resonate with the work, I have persisted until now.


Category: Accessories

Competitions: International

A large amount of leftovers are inevitably produced in the process of leather production. Due to the small size of the leftovers, they can no longer be used normally, which is one of the unavoidable costs for leather manufacturers. They are usually discarded directly, resulting in a waste of resources. I expect to reuse them. These materials give them a new life, so I extended the patchwork technique to make the discarded leather a piece of fabric again. At the same time, I used the bag with more functions as the main design template, and the appearance was based on the public impression The trash can in the box symbolizes the reuse of resources. I hope to use this work to convey the possibility and importance of leather recycling to the public. 皮革生產過程中不可避免的產生大量的邊角料,由於邊角料規格小已無法正常使用,是皮革生產企業無法避免的成本之一,通常是直接廢棄,產生了資源的浪費問題,我預計要重新利用起這一些材料讓它們獲得新生,所以我延伸了拼布的技術讓廢棄的皮革重新成為一塊面料,在此同時我以功能度比較多的包為主要設計模板,再加上外型是參考大眾印象中的垃圾桶,以象徵資源再利用,希望能利用這次的作品跟大眾傳達皮革再利用的可能性和重要性。

Working with our partners at Arts Thread to develop lifelong learning and career opportunities for students of fashion and design. Our partnership provides the opportunity to compete on a world stage, participate in industry led workshops, set up an outstanding portfolio and gain access to the resources that will kickstart careers in fashion and design.