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Alida Xavier

Istituto Marangoni: Fashion, Art and Design

MA Luxury Accessory design and management

Accessories, Footwear, Contemporary Craft

Hello, I am a avid lover of working with leather and finding sustainable production solutions with the current off-cuts generated during various production stages.


How leather industry's off-cuts can be utilised in order to avoid landfill

Category: Accessories

Competitions: UK, International

The project focuses on utilising leather off-cuts that are often produced during production, no matter how carefully and mindfully the pattern cutter makes the cuts. There is always some volume of waste generated. Therefore, this project has taken a deep dive into one of the production factories in the UK and has utilised most of the off-cuts collected to produce a capsule collection completely focused on up-cycling. These handcrafted products can be easily mended and taken apart at the end of life stage, they have great potential although complex and time consuming but extremely mindful. Real Leather Stay Different, was a big help with my dissertation's secondary research. Thank you.

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