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Evalynne Holloway

Arts university of Plymouth

BA Fashion design

Hats, Design, Womenswear

I have just finished my first year in fashion design and it is everything I want it to be. I’ve never been so happy designing and creating garments. I love seeing my ideas come to life and I’m excited to become a professional designer in the near future


Natural feeling

Category: Apparel

Competitions: International

Sustainability has always been something that I’ve considered when creating my designs. Either trying to do a zero-waste pattern or making sure that the fabric left is put to good use. So far the projects that I have completed at university where all made from second hand fabrics. When I think of Leather the first thing that comes to mind is cows. Growing up I lived very close to a farm where they would have dairy cows. I’d go and watch them and even feed them as they were very friendly. Cows have such amazing personalities and these massive creatures where one of my favourite things to paint when I was younger. I wanted to include some elements of the cow within my design. This including the horned hat and the bell necklace. But I also wanted to include the feeling that I got when walking around that farm, surrounded by nature and watching these wonderful animals. This is why I included flowy elements and bows because it always felt so freeing to get away from civilisation. In this design I want to use as much natural fabric as possible but not stray to far from the main fabric so I chose cotton. I wanted to choose a fabric that gives the feeling of the wind or flowing grass to give this illusion of the meadow that I used to go too when I was younger. And cotton was perfect for that. I wanted my design to reflect the feeling of freedom, being surrounded by nature and trees. where I always feel at peace.

Working with our partners at Arts Thread to develop lifelong learning and career opportunities for students of fashion and design. Our partnership provides the opportunity to compete on a world stage, participate in industry led workshops, set up an outstanding portfolio and gain access to the resources that will kickstart careers in fashion and design.