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Sai Xin Chen

Ling Tung University

Fashion and accessories design

Womenswear, Party/ Eveningwear, Accessories

Sai Xin Chen is a Taiwanese girl who loves dresses. Currently studying in the Fashion and Accessories Design Department of Ling Tung University in Taichung, Taiwan. I like to incorporate the things that I think are beautiful into the design. The patterns I use are simple, but as long as I add the elements I like, it will be a unique work.

Flowers Time

Category: Apparel

Competitions: Taiwan Region

Do the white flowers symbolize the coming of spring, or the fading before death? Do the light balloons bring the breath of spring, or do they take away the vitality and make it heavy? The period a flower goes through in its life, from bud to withering, will change due to natural cause and effect.

Whale’s life Your life

Category: Accessories

Competitions: Taiwan Region

The hanging sunset symbolizes the countdown of time, and the upside-down whale represents death. The theme of the whale is plastic transparent cloth, which allows the package to be transparent enough for whales to peek into the items inside, which means that the items in our lives may cause natural disappearance at any time.

Working with our partners at Arts Thread to develop lifelong learning and career opportunities for students of fashion and design. Our partnership provides the opportunity to compete on a world stage, participate in industry led workshops, set up an outstanding portfolio and gain access to the resources that will kickstart careers in fashion and design.