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sitong gao

Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology

Footwear & Accessory Design BFA

Bags, Handbags, Hats

想要通过作品传递自己真实的情绪,也希望能够通过自己的作品治愈自己。 I want to convey my true emotions through my works, and I also hope to be able to heal myself through my works.


Category: Accessories

Competitions: China Mainland

设计说明: 从office lady这一主题发散设计,总结office lady的风格特点——成熟、干练、锋利。根据以上关键词延伸,采用最常见的“西装”“领带”元素,将其融合在一起,形成风格鲜明,造型独特的包包。体现职场女性的魅力和锐利。配色围绕选取的领带花色,采用黑色、红色作为主色调,点缀白色缝线,突出包包中部立体硬朗的西装领造型。包包内部皮料和内衬颜色均选用酒红色,突出包包的神秘感和趣味性。 Divergent design from the theme of Office Lady, summarize the style characteristics of Office Lady - mature, capable, and sharp. According to the extension of the above keywords, the most common "suit" and "tie" elements are used and fused together to form a bag with a distinctive style and unique shape. It embodies the charm and sharpness of women in the workplace. The color scheme revolves around the chosen tie color, using black and red as the main colors, and embellished with white stitching,


Category: Accessories

Competitions: China Mainland, International

以成年的“我”穿越回童年为线索,故事涵盖回忆,拥抱,新空间三个小主题。 回忆——我来到儿时的"我"的身边看到"我"所经历的事情,它们或许是沉重的,或许是消极的,所有的经历像是禁锢束缚住"我"。三角亚克力以积木七巧板为原型,象征来自童年的压力。 拥抱——成年的"我"拥抱儿时的"我",这个拥抱是温暖柔软又有力的,因而做成柔软的两端白色主体向后拉伸象征儿时压力的亚克力三角板。 新空间——这些经历造就了我的成长,助我进入了新空间,这个新空间是未知的,神秘的,因此做成一个近圆形的空洞象征进入新世界的通道,这个通道是不需要门的,透过这个通道,我所看到的一切都会是迎接我的新世界。 Taking the journey back to childhood as a clue, the story covers three small themes: memories, hugs, and new spaces. Memories - I come to the side of my childhood 'me' and see the things that 'I' have experienced. They may be heavy or negative, and all experiences seem to imprison and constrain 'me'. The triangular acrylic is based on the building block puzzle, symbolizing the pressure from childhood. Embrace - The adult 'me' embraces the childhood 'me', which is warm, soft, and powerful, thus creating a soft, white main body at both ends that stretches back to symbolize the stress of childhood in an acrylic triangle. New Space - These experiences have shaped my growth and helped me enter a new space. This new space is unknown and mysterious, so it is made into a nearly circular hollow symbolizing the passage into the new world. This passage does not require a door, and through this passage, everything I see will be the new world that welcomes me.

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