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Ai-ching Huang

Shih Chien University


Footwear, Apparel, Womenswear

在我小的時候爸爸和媽媽因為工作的原因時常會不在家,因此家中常常只有弟弟和我在家,我需要準備我和弟弟的晚餐,一起去洗澡,一起刷牙睡覺都沒有大人陪同。在等把弟弟哄睡之後我在睡覺。但我有一隻泰迪熊會陪著我一起睡他是爸爸帶給我的禮物,我經常會帶著我的泰迪熊出門,就像是爸爸、媽媽陪在我身邊。也因此養成我對於負責和照顧他人習慣。由於我常帶著我的泰迪熊,我喜歡幫他洗澡換衣服,我喜歡上搭配不同服中的感覺,因此我有一個夢想希望未來我可以參與到服飾產業,成為服飾產業的一員。When I was young, my father and mother were often away from home due to work, so my brother and I were often the only ones at home. I needed to prepare dinner for my brother and me, take a bath together, brush our teeth go to bed together without the company of adults. I was sleeping after putting my brother to bed. But I have a teddy bear that will sleep with me. It is a gift from my father. I often go out with my teddy bear, just like my father and mother are by my side. Therefore, I am very self-disciplined and will take the initiative to complete what I should do, but sometimes I am a bit stubborn, and I will stick to my ideas until I achieve my goal. In addition, I will also need others when I encounter things that I don’t know. Help, because I know that some things cannot be achieved by only one person, and I also really like the feeling of cooperating with others. Doing things with the right person will make me feel happy and get twice the result with half the effort. So I developed the habit of caring for others. Because I often carry my teddy bear, I like to help him bathe and change clothes. I like the feeling of matching different clothes, so I have a dream that I can participate in the clothing industry in the future and become a member of the clothing industry.


Category: Accessories

Competitions: Taiwan Region

這件作品的靈感來源是來自於我家的寵物,夏洛特,他在今年的時候前往了汪星球,這個設計是我為了紀念他以及感謝他的陪伴所設計的。 The inspiration for this piece comes from my family’s pet, Charlotte, who went to the Paw Planet this year. This design was designed by me to commemorate him and thank him for his company.

Working with our partners at Arts Thread to develop lifelong learning and career opportunities for students of fashion and design. Our partnership provides the opportunity to compete on a world stage, participate in industry led workshops, set up an outstanding portfolio and gain access to the resources that will kickstart careers in fashion and design.