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Costume Design BFA

Bags, Accessories, Embroidery

現就讀實踐大學服飾設計與經營學系。 平時喜好手做小物,編織手工藝,玩羊毛氈等。 大學在學校開始學習皮革面料的製作,也產生了極大的興趣,希望未來能有機會往這塊產業發展。

sea turtle

Category: Design

Competitions: Taiwan Region, International

設計理念想表達環保意識概念,結合保育類海龜的形象作為設計靈感,設計一個具形象化的後肩背背包。 材質運用主要為鉻鞣革,與雪碧等綠色寶特瓶回收再利用,做異材質結合。背包整體外觀造型塑造成海龜的殼與四肢,綠色寶特瓶的透明度也能與皮革的外觀產生不同效果。

Working with our partners at Arts Thread to develop lifelong learning and career opportunities for students of fashion and design. Our partnership provides the opportunity to compete on a world stage, participate in industry led workshops, set up an outstanding portfolio and gain access to the resources that will kickstart careers in fashion and design.