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Chih-Wei Lu

Shih Chien University

Fashion Design BFA




Category: Design

Competitions: Taiwan Region, International

主題名稱叫做“綻放”,靈感來自於含苞待放、尚未盛開的花朵。試著描述作為一個即將畢業的大學生,面對未來的各種不確定性時的心理種態。花萼小心翼翼地守護著花蕊,好像我們揣著各種不安,仍期待著奪目綻放的自己。 “綻放”是由三層構造所組成的後背包,最外層的構想來自花朵中花萼的構造,在花朵尚未盛開時起到保護花苞的作用。中層則是花瓣,作為整朵花最引人注目的部分。最內層則是花蕊,散發香味,等待結為果實。最內層同時能取出作手拿包使用。 The title is "Blossom", inspired by a flower that is still in bud and not yet in full bloom. It tries to describe the mindset of a college student who is about to graduate, facing various uncertainties in the future. The calyx cautiously guards the stamen, as if we are still looking forward to our eye-catching blooming self with all kinds of disturbance. “Blossom”is a backpack made up of three layers, with the outermost layer coming from the calyx of the flower, which protects the bud while it is still in bloom. The middle layer is the petals, which are the most striking part of the flower. The innermost layer is the stamen, which emits fragrance and is waiting to bear fruit, also can be used as a pouch.

Working with our partners at Arts Thread to develop lifelong learning and career opportunities for students of fashion and design. Our partnership provides the opportunity to compete on a world stage, participate in industry led workshops, set up an outstanding portfolio and gain access to the resources that will kickstart careers in fashion and design.