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chuchu Hou

Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology

Bachelor of Luggage Design


Chuchu Hou, female, 22 years old. I am a junior majoring in luggage design at Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology, minoring in fashion design. I love clothing and fashion. My favorite costume designer is Masion Margiela.I am good at graphic design.


Beyond the Limit of Vision

Category: Accessories

Competitions: China Mainland

•视限之外 作品以视错觉原理作为设计语言,3D打印技术作为创新辅助手段,对于箱包产品设计进行研究探索。灵感源自互联网时代,视觉作为一重要感官无时无刻不被使用,互联网视觉也在不停更新迭代。在这种大环境下,视错觉以个体的视觉感受为基础,与视觉带来误差同心理产生的错觉相结合,产生对客观事物的错误知觉,虽然有着一定的误导性,但是往往又会给观者以不同寻常的视觉体验形式。整体风格倾向于超现实主义,摩登与魔幻。利用参数化设计将人物肖像的轮廓和五官起伏状态表现出来,结合3D打印图案在皮革上的新型技术,使视错觉从平面运用延伸到立体运用,从平面艺术延伸到时装领域,以视错觉表现方式进行可视化箱包设计创作,探索感官与媒介的互动价值。 •Beyond the visual limit The work uses the principle of optical illusion as the design language and 3D printing technology as an innovative auxiliary means to study and explore the design of luggage products. The inspiration comes from the Internet era. Vision, as an important sense, is used all the time, and Internet vision is constantly updated. In this environment, optical illusion is based on individual visual perception, combined with the error caused by vision and the illusion caused by psychology, resulting in a wrong perception of objective things. Although it is misleading, it often gives viewers an unusual visual experience. The overall style tends to be surrealism, modern and magical. The contours and ups and downs of the portrait are expressed by parametric design, combined with the new technology of 3D printing patterns on leather, so that the optical illusion is extended from plane application to three-dimensional application, from graphic art to fashion field, and visual luggage design is created in the form of optical illusion, exploring the interactive value of senses and media.

瓶 Vase

Category: Accessories

Competitions: China Mainland, International

设计说明 小时候经常看到家里桌上有个颜色漂亮的高瓶子,长大才知道原来它是家乡洛阳的一种彩陶工艺品—唐三彩。此后这个名字始终对应着脑海里那个颜色绚丽,高高挺立的“瓶”。 此设计观察了众多唐三彩瓶的花纹特征,发现大多以点彩和条纹装饰为主,这让我联想到可以使传统唐三彩装饰花纹和当代波点、条纹艺术相结合,利用视错觉的引导,在包包上用平面花纹呈现出“瓶”的立体效果。即具有装饰性,同时又不失造型感和想象感。 这次的设计探索了皮革面料的印花新方式,通过皮革热转印的工艺实现图案造型,让皮革材料有了更多可持续的可能。 Design specification When I was young, I often saw a tall bottle with beautiful colors on the table at home. When I grew up, I knew that it was a kind of painted pottery handicraft in Luoyang, my hometown - Tri-colored glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty. Since then, the name has always corresponded to the bright color and tall "vase" in my mind. This design observed the pattern characteristics of many tri-color vases of the Tang Dynasty, and found that most of them were decorated with dots and stripes, which made me think that the traditional tri-color decorative patterns of the Tang Dynasty could be combined with the contemporary art of dots and stripes, using the guidance of optical illusion to present the three-dimensional effect of "vases" with flat patterns on the bag. It is decorative, but also does not lose the sense of modeling and imagination.This design explores a new way of printing leather fabrics, realizes pattern modeling through leather thermal transfer printing process, and makes leather materials have more sustainable possibilities.

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