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Yi Jhen Lai

Fu Jen Catholic University

Department of Applied Arts

Bags, Product Design, Contemporary Craft

我是賴奕蓁,台灣人,目前就讀輔仁大學應用美術系金工組四年級。專長是金工工藝製作與時尚配件製作,也具備影片錄製與剪輯、後製的能力,且會運用像是Photoshop、Illustrator、Premiere、After Effects和Rhino等多種軟體協助作品設計與製作。在學期間便有接過多項案子,飾品訂製、店家視覺設計和產品錄製等。大三時下定決心學習一直都很有興趣的材料—「皮革」,一開始是被皮革表面的特殊紋路所吸引而想要進一步認識,認識它之後我發現皮革是一種很有溫度的材質,會在經過使用後留下痕跡,記錄著人們對於心愛物件的感情,且皮革的可塑性很高,可運用於生活上的各個角落。而同樣喜歡複合媒材的我,並嘗試將金工與皮革做結合,希望可以把我的時尚與我所認識的金工與皮革傳達給大家。 I am Yi-Jhen, Lai, Taiwanese. I am a fourth-year student in the Department of Applied Arts, Metallurgy Division, Fu Jen Catholic University. I also have the ability to video record, edit, and post-production, and I am able to use various software such as Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere, After Effects, and Rhino to assist in the design and production of my work. During the semester, I have taken on many projects, such as customizing jewelry, visual design for stores, and product recording. In my junior year of college, I decided to study leather, a material I have always been interested in. At first, I was attracted by the special texture of the leather surface and wanted to know more about it. After knowing it, I found that leather is a very warm material that leaves traces after use and records people's feelings for their beloved objects. I also like mixed media, and I try to combine metalworking and leather, hoping to convey my fashion and my knowledge of metalworking and leather to everyone.



Category: Accessories

Competitions: Taiwan Region, International

Gothique是由Gothic歌德和Unique獨一無二所組成。運用金屬掐絲工藝表現歌德式建築圖騰與強烈獨特風格,將皮革延展性活用於折疊設計中,展現多變型態皮包,傳遞保持善變之理念,不局限於他人框架、鼓勵女性勇敢做自己。 Gothique is a combination of the words Gothic and Unique. It utilizes metal filigree crafting to express the Gothic architectural totem and a strong unique style. Meanwhile, applying leather extensibility to the folded design showcases the creative versatility of the bag. In general, Gothique strives to convey the idea of maintaining variability, breaking out of the box, and encouraging women to be brave and be themselves.

Working with our partners at Arts Thread to develop lifelong learning and career opportunities for students of fashion and design. Our partnership provides the opportunity to compete on a world stage, participate in industry led workshops, set up an outstanding portfolio and gain access to the resources that will kickstart careers in fashion and design.