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欣瑶 袁


Costume Design BFA

Haute Couture, Womenswear, Womenswear

就读于服装设计学院时装设计,有很强的领悟能力和规划能力,并始终保持对时尚领域的关注和对新兴事物的热情,不断丰富自身知识结构及深度,并运用与实际设计中去,具有优秀的审美能力,和极高的文字功底,良好的逻辑及表达能力,优秀的合作精神工作抗压能力强,个性开朗,亲和力好,在学习和实践中均与内外建有良好的关系。 Studying in fashion design institute, I have a strong understanding and planning ability, and always keep the focus on the field of fashion and enthusiasm for emerging things, constantly enrich their knowledge structure and depth, and the use of the actual design to, with excellent aesthetic ability, and a high level of literary skills, good logic and expression skills, excellent spirit of cooperation, strong ability to work under pressure, cheerful personality, good affinity, in learning and practice with both internal and external build a good relationship.


Category: Apparel

Competitions: China Mainland, International

在当代新社会语境中,社会表象逐渐存在大部分的群体当中境由心生系列设计《Eerietime》希望探索和开解自己现实心理与虚拟困境中在服装上的表达整体色调为黑白色调,运用大量的解构和褶皱重叠元素,在内心深处纠结与修复完善,世界或许没有那么美好,但我们要学会在表面的现实中更多的找到自己,追求最自在的生活态度境由心生绽放更好的自己。 In the contemporary new social contextthe social image gradually exists in most of the groups from the heart the series design"lmage”hope to explore and explain their realpsychology and virtual predicament in the expression of clothingThe overall tone is black and white, using a lot of deconstruction and fold overlapping elements,in the heart of the struggle and repair perfect,the world may not be so beautifulbut we have to learn to findmore in the surface reality of their own,the pursuit of the most comfortable attitude towards life,the situation from the heart to bloom a better self.

Working with our partners at Arts Thread to develop lifelong learning and career opportunities for students of fashion and design. Our partnership provides the opportunity to compete on a world stage, participate in industry led workshops, set up an outstanding portfolio and gain access to the resources that will kickstart careers in fashion and design.