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许 子琰

China Mainland

Costume Design BFA

Design, Costume Design -Stage Screen Dance, Unisex

1.熟练掌握PS AI 3DCLO等软件 2.选修服装搭配课,掌握各类搭配技能,能进行搭配整合工作 3.曾负责毕设时装周妆造,提供拍摄的饰品搭配造型计划,根据衣服风格给模特进行服装搭配和整体造型


Category: Design

Competitions: China Mainland, International

narcissism”源于 希腊神话。相传,narcissus他是一位长相十分清秀的美少年,却对任何姑娘都不动心,只对自己的水中倒影爱慕不已,最终在顾影自怜中抑郁死去,化作水仙花,仍留在水边守望着自己的影子。后面人们常用“narcissism"形容自我陶醉、自我欣赏。 我们总是太过于注重自己身上的缺点,有时候甚至会因为别人的一句话陷入深深的自我怀疑中。其实我们也拥有属于自己的闪光点,也许我们有欣赏的能力,只是忘记了欣赏自己。我们可以在赞叹他人天资的同时也为自己的聪慧而欣喜。欣赏就是承认每个人都有光彩的一面,包括我们自己。 在服装上我结合了水仙花的独有形态和神话故事来做出袖子的褶皱走向,让服装呈现出一种自信 骄傲的力量感,希望大家都能学会自我欣赏,发现自己光彩的一面。 "Narcissism" originated from Greek mythology. It is said that narcissus is a very beautiful teenager, but he does not care about any girl. He only admires his reflection in the water. Finally, he died of depression in Gu Ying's self-pity, turned into a daffodil, and still stayed by the water to watch his shadow. We always pay too much attention to our own shortcomings, and sometimes we even fall into deep self-doubt because of other people's words. In fact, we also have our own bright spots. Maybe we have the ability to appreciate, but we just forget to appreciate ourselves. We can admire the talent of others and rejoice in our intelligence at the same time. Appreciation is to recognise that everyone has a glorious side, including ourselves. In the costume, I combined the unique form of daffodils and mythological stories to make the folds of the sleeves, so that the clothes show a sense of self-confidence and pride. I hope evervone can learn to appreciate themselves and find their glorious side.

Working with our partners at Arts Thread to develop lifelong learning and career opportunities for students of fashion and design. Our partnership provides the opportunity to compete on a world stage, participate in industry led workshops, set up an outstanding portfolio and gain access to the resources that will kickstart careers in fashion and design.