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吳 明津



Glothes, Womenswear, Haute Couture

我是究讀實踐大學的大四生吳明津,平時喜歡觀察生活中的許多美好的事物。喜歡繪畫、旅遊、登山、游泳。有空閒時喜歡到不同的城市走走,用雙眼觀察生活中許多不同的風景。對我來說生活中的每個畫面都有美麗的瞬間,用雙眼去記錄用作品傳達,是我與這美麗的世界溝通的方式。 I am Wu Mingjin, a senior studying at Shih Shien University, and I like to observe many beautiful things in life. Enjoys painting, traveling, hiking, swimming. In my free time, I like to walk around different cities and observe many different landscapes in life with my eyes. For me, every picture in my life has beautiful moments, and recording and conveying it with my eyes is my way of communicating with this beautiful world.



Category: Apparel

Competitions: Taiwan Region, International

疫情延燒的幾年中,人們漸漸停下生活的腳步預防病毒。卻帶來一想不到的地球新面貌。在紀錄片"the year earth changed"中我深受刺激。 因人類活動減少,動物漸漸走到大街覓食,少了喧嘩;更多的是奈良麋鹿的身影、企鵝成群散步。獵豹捕食可以無噪音快速呼叫到寶寶;海龜在一望無際的沙灘繁衍更多生命;鯨魚也能自在優游於更遼闊的海洋。透過他們的"足跡"我們看到地球豐富的新面貌。反思自身足跡對自然的影響,也許人們腳步放慢,留給自然更多的空間,能看到更美的明天。 以"足跡"為核心做發想,當我們人類穿上這套服飾行走時無法清晰地看出衣中的秘密。但當模特放慢腳步會看清楚,以美麗得地球做配色;翠綠的大地配色、壯麗的海浪(以袖子;褲子波浪堆疊);有新生的海龜雙臂,豹母子心心相印和企鵝歡快的腳印;優游大海的鯨魚尾以及茁壯的鹿角。來訴說人類停下腳步,跟隨動物的足跡看到地球的改變。 In the years since the epidemic dragged on, people gradually stopped their lives to prevent the virus. But it brings an unexpected new look of the earth. I was thrilled by the documentary"The Year Earth Changed." Due to the decrease in human activities, animals gradually went to the street to feed, and there was less noise; More are the figures of Nara elk, and the herds of penguins walking. Cheetah predation can quickly call the baby without noise; Turtles thrive on endless beaches; Whales can also swim freely in the wider ocean. Think with "footprints" as the core.When we humans walk in this costume, we cannot clearly see the secrets in the clothing.But when the model slows down, she will see clearly and use the beautiful earth as a color matching; Emerald green earth color, spectacular waves.(sleeves, pants obviously big waves.)There are newborn turtle arms, leopard mother and son hearts and happy footprints of penguins.The whale tail swings freely with strong antlers. Let's tell the story of humans stopping and following the footsteps of animals to see the changes in the earth.

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