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Hsieh Kuan-Yu

Shu-Te Insititute of Technology

Fashion Design BFA

Glothes, Hats

Hi everyone. I'm Kuan-Yu,Hsieh,I am a senior majoring in Fashion Design at Shu-Te University.


Category: Apparel

Competitions: Taiwan Region, International

地球面積有70%被海洋所覆蓋,但是據英國科學家們研究至今全球僅剩13%的海洋保有原有的狀態,海洋污染會使生物之生態平衡受到威脅也會影響魚類繁殖與生長,而往往造成海洋污染的都是人類,其中最嚴重的危害就是海洋漏油事件,石油污染是一種嚴重的海洋污染。來源通常於經河流、向海洋注入的含油廢水、海上油船漏油、排放和油船事故等,油污除了影響海洋生態外,同時也讓許多生物有致命的危機,本研究以解構技法、輪廓設計、印花設計及機能性的元素應用於服飾與妝髮上呈現正在發生的海洋危機,希望能讓大家重視油污對生態環境以及人類生活造成的嚴重性的破壞。服裝材質也使用毛料及親膚的材質,並以秋冬系列時裝作呈現。 70% of the earth's area is covered by oceans, but according to research by British scientists, only 13% of the world's oceans remain in their original state. Ocean pollution will threaten the ecological balance of organisms and affect fish reproduction and growth, and often It is human beings who cause marine pollution, and the most serious hazard is the marine oil spill, which is a serious marine pollution. The sources are usually oily waste water injected into the ocean through rivers, oil spills from oil tankers at sea, discharges, and oil tanker accidents. Oil pollution not only affects marine ecology, but also poses a fatal crisis to many organisms. This study uses deconstruction techniques, outline design, Printing design and functional elements are applied to clothing, makeup and hair to present the ongoing ocean crisis, hoping to make everyone pay attention to the serious damage caused by oil pollution to the ecological environment and human life. Clothing materials are also made of wool and skin-friendly materials, and presented in the autumn and winter series.

Working with our partners at Arts Thread to develop lifelong learning and career opportunities for students of fashion and design. Our partnership provides the opportunity to compete on a world stage, participate in industry led workshops, set up an outstanding portfolio and gain access to the resources that will kickstart careers in fashion and design.