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茹一 黄

Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology

Footwear & Accessory Design BFA

Handbags, Bags

就读于北京服装学院服饰艺术与工程学院-箱包设计(本科) 专业, 于2021-2022年,担任21级北校区院系学生会宣传部部员,负责宣传设计工作,在部内积极参与组织各类活动,多次担任活动策划,能与同学积极沟通、协作。荣获2022年优秀部员。于2022年9月起担任樱花园校区服饰艺术与工程学院院系学生会学习部部长,与师生共同组织校内第一届“我和我的母校”创意作品大赛并参加评审环节。于2023年4月任职为校内咖啡书屋器具管理人员。 性格开朗,积极进取,乐于助人,学习能力较强。多次荣获校内奖学金。在部内积极参与组织各类活动,担任活动策划,能与同学积极沟通、协作。 多次参与校内赛事的后台后勤以及各类活动,团队合作意识强,能够积极配合他人组织协调完成合作,对人对事认真负责,专业能力、社交能力较好,应变能力较强。Majoring in luggage design (undergraduate) at the School of Costume Art and Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, from 2021 to 2022, I worked as a member of the Publicity Department of the Student Union of the 21st grade North Campus, responsible for publicity and design work, actively participated in the organization of various activities in the department, and worked as an event planner for many times. I can actively communicate and cooperate with classmates. Awarded Excellent Member of 2022. Since September 2022, she has served as the director of the Learning Department of the Student Union of the College of Costume Art and Engineering of Yinghua Garden Campus, and jointly organized the first "Me and My Alma Mater" creative works competition in the university with teachers and students, and participated in the judging process. In April 2023, I worked as the manager of the campus coffee and book store equipment. Cheerful, proactive, helpful, strong learning ability. Won the school scholarship for many times. Actively participate in the organization of various activities in the department, act as an activity planner, and can actively communicate and cooperate with classmates. I have participated in the backstage logistics of school events and various activities for many times. I have a strong sense of teamwork and can actively cooperate with others to organize and coordinate cooperation. I am serious and responsible to people and things.


Category: Accessories

Competitions: China Mainland

灵感来源于宋代五大名窑之一——汝窑。“雨过天晴云破出处,者般颜色做将来”。根据其“青如天”“面如玉”来确定设计的颜色搭配以及材质选取。整体采用意大利平纹绵羊皮制作。淡黄色提手自包身向上延展一体式连接,前后面形成瓷器瓶颈曲线,包身前后大面转折与侧面连接,形成与提手相呼应的曲线,充分展现汝窑温润的特点。提取汝窑器型的线条形态设计一款具有中式风尚的、日常实用的时尚轻奢包。 The inspiration comes from one of the five famous kilns of the Song Dynasty - the Ru kiln. After the rain, the sky will clear and the clouds will break through, like the colors of the future. Determine the color matching and material selection of the design based on its "blue like sky" and "jade like surface". The whole is made of Italian plain sheepskin. The light yellow handle extends upwards from the body of the package and is connected in an integrated manner, forming a porcelain bottleneck curve on the front and rear surfaces. The large front and rear surfaces of the package are connected to the side, forming a curve that corresponds to the handle, fully showcasing the warm and moist characteristics of the Ru kiln. Design a fashionable and practical light luxury bag with Chinese style and daily practicality by extracting the line shape of the Ru kiln vessel.


Category: Footwear

Competitions: China Mainland, International

由于环境污染加速了全球变暖。设计利用虚拟世界与中国年轻消费群体的深度连接,呼吁环境保护的问题!以冰山渐融,封闭其中的蝴蝶兰花枝半遮半露的缠绕在冰峰之上的画面,重新阐释了时间、空间与人的行为的带来的结果。并充满了现实与虚拟的想象。 表达了设计者希望进行时间的停止,阻止全球变暖冰川融化的愿望。在鞋底内部安装芯片时刻关注穿戴者的健康检测体现出智能科技和设计的贴心细致,探索将美学、预警和智能技术三者相结合,带来一种全新的思维方式。可拆分的鞋面、鞋底通过自由重组的方式展现穿戴者的独特自我个性也表现出更硬朗未来感外观。 Due to environmental pollution accelerating global warming. Design and utilize the deep connection between the virtual world and the young consumer group in China, calling for environmental protection issues! The image of the iceberg gradually melting and the butterfly, orchid, and branch wrapped in half cover and half dew, reinterpreting the results brought by time, space, and human behavior. And filled with both real and virtual imagination. It expresses the designer's desire to stop time and prevent global warming from melting glaciers. Installing chips inside the sole of the shoe constantly pays attention to the wearer's health detection, reflecting the thoughtful and meticulous nature of intelligent technology and design. Exploring the combination of aesthetics, early warning, and intelligent technology brings a new way of thinking. The detachable upper and sole showcase the wearer's unique personality through free recombination, and also exhibit a more rugged and futuristic appearance.

Working with our partners at Arts Thread to develop lifelong learning and career opportunities for students of fashion and design. Our partnership provides the opportunity to compete on a world stage, participate in industry led workshops, set up an outstanding portfolio and gain access to the resources that will kickstart careers in fashion and design.