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Janice Chen

Shih Chien University

Fashion Design BFA

Party/ Eveningwear, Embroidery, Womenswear

My name is Janice and I’ve studied in the US for 8 years. Through my childhood I’ve met many different ethnicity, which has influenced my visions on different prospectives. I used to be a Ballroom dancer, not only did I learn how to cooperate with my partner, but I’ve also been inspired by the dance clothes, which transformed into inspirational elements in my work. I’m an active person because I like to enjoy the beauty of nature and turn that admiration into my own creativity. 我是陳冠菱,我曾在美國生活了八年。在我小時後,我認識到了許多不同的國家文化,這些不僅增廣了我對世界的視野也改變了我看待事物的角度。我曾是國標舞舞者,在這過程中,我學習到如何跟我的搭檔合作,也因為比賽的經歷,我會看著舞池中飛舞的舞衣而激發出更多的想法,也因此這些元素也時常出現在我的設計中。我認為我是自由的,我喜歡出門到處去欣賞各式的風景,並從中吸收轉換成我自己獨有創意。

Camping Tent

Category: Accessories

Competitions: Taiwan Region, International

While staying out in the wilds, a camping tent is a necessary accessory, although many people don’t notice the beauty in its geometric outline. Therefore I want to convert the shapes of different tents into a clutch bag so that anyone can experience the practicality and beauty of a tent-like design. Meanwhile this bag offers ample space to store daily necessities and frees you from the common options of backpacks and large tote bags, becoming a stylish accessory that is uniquely your own. 待在戶外時,帳篷是露營時的必需品,但許多人不會注意到帳篷輪廓中幾何線條的美,因此,我想借用不同帳篷的形狀轉換成一個手拿包,讓大家可以體驗如帳篷般的實用與美觀兼具。大容量的空間能收納日常的必需品,且擺脫那些常見的後背包跟大提袋,成為屬於自己的時尚單品。

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