Voon Si Si
Shih Chien University
Fashion Design and Merchandising
Footwear, Unisex, Design
我是温詩絲,21歲。東南亞有個國家,那裡有著三大民族,叫馬來西亞。那裡就是我的家。1606海里,約5小時航程,我從那裡來到了這裡,台灣。我就讀於實踐大學高雄校區,現在大二,服飾經營與管理學系。喜歡音樂,喜歡抒情,有時也喜歡搖滾!喜歡城市的便捷,但更喜歡大自然的美好。花卉、書籍、陽光、星星、海,這是我的理想世界,裡面住著小小的我,身邊還有一隻小边牧狗狗。 My name is Voon Si Si,you can just call me Cecilia.I am 21 years of age and I come from East Malaysia.1606 nautical miles,about 5 hours of voyage,I arrived in Taiwan.I am studying at Shih Chien University in Kaohsiung. I am currently a sophomore in Fashion Design and Merchandising department.I love music,both Lyric and Rock songs.I like how handy to live in cities,but I pretty enjoy in the nature!Sometimes,I wished and dreamed,there is a ideal world!There is only a little me and a little border collie dog living inside,things around us are just flowers,books,stars,sea and sunshine…