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qiuhan wang

Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology

Product Design

Bags, Hats, Footwear

我是北京服装学院箱包设计的一名学生,性格开朗,喜欢唱歌、看电影、旅行。在设计方面喜欢关注可持续时尚的发展、中国的民间智慧;关注时尚发展趋势,让传统文化与时尚更好地融合,希望可以尽自己的努力传播中国文化。我即将进入工作岗位,希望自己可以一直保持好奇心,不忘初心。 I am a student of luggage design in Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology. I am cheerful and like singing, watching movies and traveling. In terms of design, I like to pay attention to the development of sustainable fashion and Chinese folk wisdom. Pay attention to the trend of fashion development, make traditional culture and fashion better integration, hoping to do my best to spread Chinese culture. I am about to enter the job, I hope I can always keep curious, do not forget the original heart.


Category: Accessories

Competitions: China Mainland

“勤俭节约”是中华民族的传统美德,也是顺应可持续理念的表现之一。在该思想的影响下,物资较为匮乏的80~90年代,中国家庭流行起废旧物制作的卷纸门帘、秸秆扫把等生活用品,是属于中国人的生活智慧,与当今可持续理念相契合。该作品造型模仿高粱秸秆制作的扫把,高粱秸秆是废旧、可降解材料,在老一辈人的巧手下做成扫把,将其造型结合箱包进行再设计,使用工厂中所产生的边角料皮条进行制作,款式充满复古怀旧与童趣感。借此唤起80、90后一代回忆,传播可持续时尚的观念国潮风格应传播中华文化的核心理念,而这些老物件正是体现了中国人民的智慧,该作品也为国潮风格的应用提供借鉴。 "Diligence and frugality" is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, and it is also one of the embodiment of conforming to the concept of sustainable development. Under the influence of this idea, in the 1980s and 1990s, when materials were relatively scarce, rolled paper door curtains and straw brooms made of waste materials became popular in Chinese families, which belong to the wisdom of Chinese life and are in line with today's concept of sustainable development. The shape of the piece mimics a broom made of sorghum straw, a waste and degradable material. The broomstick is made by the skilled hands of the old generation, and the bag is redesigned and made of factory leather scraps. The style is full of retro nostalgia and children's fun. Evoking the memory of the post-80s and post-90s and spreading the concept of sustainable fashion, Guocao Feng should spread the core concept of Chinese culture, and these old objects are the embodiment of Chinese wisdom, and the works also provide reference for the application of Guocao Feng.

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