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Shu-Te Insititute of Technology

Fashion Design BFA

Bags, Accessories, Hats

I am a student from the Department of Fashion Accessories at Shu-Te University in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. My major is in accessories design, so I am skilled in designing and making leather bags and hats. Because I also majored in fashion in high school, I have a basic understanding of clothing pattern making and sewing. This year is my last year as a student, and before entering the workforce, I hope to create some unforgettable memories and experiences for myself. That's why I decided to participate in this competition.

眼淚之河/River of Tears

Category: Accessories

Competitions: Taiwan Region, International

悲傷自心中不斷漲高,我已無力假裝堅強 最後只能任由那些情緒,潰堤,匯聚成一條無盡的河。 靈感來自於照顧罹患失智患者的家屬,長期看著患者 因病受苦或脫序的模樣,而產生的悲傷與無力的情緒 最終化成眼淚傾瀉而出的狀態。 希望藉由這個帽飾創作,讓更多人去重視 不論是照顧失智症,還是失能親屬的照顧者心理 The sadness inside me keeps rising, and I am no longer able to pretend to be strong. In the end, I can only let those emotions flow like a never-ending river, bursting through the dam. The inspiration comes from the caregivers of people with dementia who have to witness the suffering or disorientation of their loved ones for a long time, and the resulting sadness and helplessness that eventually leads to a flood of tears. Through this creation, I hope to raise awareness and draw attention to the psychological struggles of caregivers, whether they are caring for people with dementia or disabled family members.

Working with our partners at Arts Thread to develop lifelong learning and career opportunities for students of fashion and design. Our partnership provides the opportunity to compete on a world stage, participate in industry led workshops, set up an outstanding portfolio and gain access to the resources that will kickstart careers in fashion and design.