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Man yu Li

Shih Chien University

Fashion Design BFA

Glothes, Bags, Haute Couture

您好,我的名字叫做李曼羽,從小喜歡藝術與設計,學習畫畫跟美術15年的時間,擅長手繪畫圖,之後大學期間開始學習服裝設計,學習基本打版,車縫衣服,製作服裝,此外,因為學校課程開始對皮革製品跟袋包產生興趣,進而接觸手縫真皮的皮包。 在台灣的實踐大學服裝設計學系擔任系學會的活動長、畢委會的會長,積極參與舉辦學校伸展台走秀的展演,包涵服裝週活動、萬盛街變裝活動、畢展大型走秀等,展現自身熱愛服裝的一面。另外課後平時也在高級手工婚紗訂製工作室上班,在服裝及高訂禮服市場上練習如何將校園所學應用在職場上,彌補自身仍然不足的地方,繼續保持學習的心態面對陌生領域是我的個人衷旨核心觀念。 Hello, my name is Li Manyu. I have loved art and design since I was a child. I have been studying painting and art for 15 years. I am good at hand-painting. After that, I started to study fashion design during college, learning basic pattern making, sewing clothes, and making clothes. In addition , because the school curriculum began to become interested in leather products and bags, and then came into contact with hand-sewn leather bags. In the Department of Fashion Design of Shih Chien University in Taiwan, he served as the activity director of the department society and the chairman of the graduation committee. He actively participated in the school catwalk show, including fashion week activities, Wansheng Street cross-dressing activities, and Bi Zhan large-scale catwalk shows. Show off your clothing-loving side. In addition, after class, I usually work in the high-end handmade wedding dress customization studio, and practice how to apply what I have learned on campus to the workplace in the clothing and high-order dress market, so as to make up for my own shortcomings and continue to maintain a learning attitude when facing unfamiliar fields. It is my personal core idea.

同頻共振 Simultaneous resonance

Category: Accessories

Competitions: Taiwan Region, International

生命中發生的一切都是我們吸引來的,同樣頻率的東西會共振共鳴走到一起,思想、意識、言論、精神狀態等方面產生共鳴或協同,猶如「吸引力法則」,物理學家也認為兩性關係的交往也存在同頻共振,各自擁有相似的價值觀和意識的男女,用自身魅力對彼此形成一種吸引,他們的言語、行為在對方眼中看來都是一種默契,帶來心理上的滿足感。 Everything that happens in life is attracted by us. Things of the same frequency will resonate and come together. Thoughts, consciousness, speech, mental state and other aspects resonate or synergize, just like the "law of attraction". Physicists also believe that There is also the same frequency resonance in the relationship between the sexes. Men and women who each have similar values ​​and consciousness form a kind of attraction to each other with their own charm. Their words and behaviors are a kind of tacit understanding in the eyes of the other party, which brings psychological satisfaction.

Working with our partners at Arts Thread to develop lifelong learning and career opportunities for students of fashion and design. Our partnership provides the opportunity to compete on a world stage, participate in industry led workshops, set up an outstanding portfolio and gain access to the resources that will kickstart careers in fashion and design.