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梦瑶 张

Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology

Footwear & Accessory Design BFA

Footwear, Bags, Jewellery

北京服装学院服饰艺术与工程学院鞋品设计大三在读 作为⼀个正在成⻓的设计师,我不断追求卓越,希望将⾃⼰的设计理念与时尚产业相结合,为⼈们带来更多好的作品。未来,我期待着能够在这个激动⼈⼼的⾏业中实现⾃⼰的梦想,为时尚界注⼊新的活⼒和灵感。 Currently a junior majoring in Footwear Design at Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology. As an emerging designer, I constantly strive for excellence, aiming to integrate my design concepts with the fashion industry to bring more outstanding works to people. In the future, I look forward to realizing my dreams in this exciting field, injecting new vitality and inspiration into the fashion world.

secret contract 秘境契约

Category: Accessories

Competitions: China Mainland

“秘境契约”是一个富有神秘感和仪式感的精彩表达,将树叶脉络与皮革包的编织相结合,仿佛是一场与自然达成的神秘而庄重的契约,勾勒出一片充满探险和神秘色彩的艺术秘境。 "secret contract" is a captivating expression imbued with mystery and ritualistic significance, combining the intricate patterns of leaf veins with the weaving of leather bags. It is as if a mystical and solemn pact has been made with nature, delineating an artistic realm brimming with adventure and enigma.

Working with our partners at Arts Thread to develop lifelong learning and career opportunities for students of fashion and design. Our partnership provides the opportunity to compete on a world stage, participate in industry led workshops, set up an outstanding portfolio and gain access to the resources that will kickstart careers in fashion and design.