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芷安達旺 周

Taiwan Region


Apparel, Design, Flats

我出生於臺灣,是臺灣的原住民族,從小在部落長大,接觸自己的文化。 我的個性是活潑,細心,但比較慢熟。 對於自己的事情都會在時間內完成,不會拖拉,具有同理心會為著別人著想。 至於在設計方面喜歡設計外穿搭配飾,讓自己的穿搭有層次感,也喜歡將自己的文化加入設計裡,傳達自己保留已久的文化傳承。 我出生在臺灣。 我是臺灣的原住民。 我在一個部落長大,並接觸到了我自己的文化。 我的性格活潑而謹慎,但我相對熟悉它。 我會及時完成自己的事情,我不會拖延,我會帶著同情心想到別人。 至於設計,我喜歡設計外套和配飾,讓自己有一種等級感。 我還喜歡在設計中加入我自己的文化,以傳達我長期的文化遺產。 I was born in Taiwan. I am an aboriginal people in Taiwan. I grew up in a tribe and came into contact with my own culture. My personality is lively and careful, but I am relatively familiar with it. I will finish my own things in time, I won't procrastinate, and I will think of others with empathy. As for the design, I like to design outerwear and accessories to give myself a sense of hierarchy. I also like to add my own culture to the design to convey my long-held cultural inheritance.



Category: Apparel

Competitions: Taiwan Region, International

此次作品的整體個人很喜歡,很想要欣賞做出來的樣子。 這次作品雖然是簡單的剪裁作品,但作品上加了肌理,也算是一個實驗作品,想嘗試與皮革創作的不同樣貌 I like this work very much as a whole, and I really want to appreciate the appearance. Although this work is a simple cut work, it adds texture to the work, which is also an experimental work. I want to try a different appearance from the leather creation.

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